Olam Tzafuf
Olam Tzafuf is a 1983
1983 in music
This is a list of notable events in music that took place in the year 1983.-January-April:*January – ZTT Records is founded.*January 8 – The UK singles chart is tabulated from this week forward by The Gallup Organization...

 album by Israeli rock
Israeli rock
Israeli rock is rock music created by Israeli bands and singers.-The development of Israeli rock in the 1960s:Israel's initial attitude toward rock music was extremely negative. Israeli musicians of the time believed it was a trend that would soon pass...

 band HaClique
HaClique is an Israeli rock band founded in 1980 composed of Dani Dothan , Eli Avramov , Ovad Efrat and Jean-Jacques Goldberg ....


Track list

  1. Kol Haemet
  2. Mondina
  3. Hey Yaldon
  4. Yalda Mefuneket
  5. Et Mi At Ohevet
  6. Ani Avud
  7. Al Tadliku Li Ner
  8. Nimas Li / Soarey Haimperya
  9. Bear Hug
  10. Olam Tzafuf
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