Orazio Benevoli
Orazio Benevoli or Benevolo (19 April 1605 – 17 June 1672), was an Italian
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

 composer of large scaled polychoral sacred choral works; one work featured 48 vocal and instrumental lines.

He was born in Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...

, to a French confectioner, Robert Venouot, which name was Italianized to Benevolo.

Benevolo served as the choirmaster in various Roman churches from 1624 to 1643, then as Kapellmeister
Kapellmeister is a German word designating a person in charge of music-making. The word is a compound, consisting of the roots Kapelle and Meister . The words Kapelle and Meister derive from the Latin: capella and magister...

 in the court of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria
Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria
Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria was an Austrian military commander, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands from 1647 to 1656, and a patron of the arts.-Biography:...

 from 1643 to 1645. In 1646, Benevoli returned to Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...

, where he was choirmaster at San Luigi dei Francesi
San Luigi dei Francesi
The Church of St. Louis of the French is a Roman Catholic minor basilica and titular church in Rome, not far from Piazza Navona. The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, to St. Denis the Areopagite and St. Louis IX, king of France...

, S. Maria Maggiore
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
The Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major , known also by other names, is the largest Roman Catholic Marian church in Rome, Italy.There are other churches in Rome dedicated to Mary, such as Santa Maria in Trastevere, Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Santa Maria sopra Minerva, but the greater size of the...

 and the Cappella Giulia
Cappella Giulia
The choir "Cappella Giulia," officially named the Reverend Musical Chapel "Julia" of the Sacrosanct Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican, is the choir of St...

. He was Guardiano of the Congregazione di Santa Cecilia in 1654, 1665 and 1667. He died in Rome.

His pupils were Ercole Bernabei
Ercole Bernabei
Ercole Bernabei was an Italian composer and organist.Bernabei was born in Caprarola, and was mainly active in Germany. His daughter married another expatriate Italian musician, Gio Paolo Bombarda. Bernabei died in Munich.- Operas :...

, Antimo Liberati and Paolo Lorenzani
Paolo Lorenzani
Paolo Francesco Lorenzani was an Italian composer of the Baroque Era. While living in France, he helped promote appreciation for the Italian style of music....


Works, editions and recordings

Benevoli's sacred compositions frequently make use of four or more choirs. Many of Benevoli's works are massive and in the Colossal Baroque
Colossal Baroque
The Colossal Baroque style is a name which has been coined to describe a number of compositions from the 17th and 18th centuries composed in an opulent, magnificent and large-scaled style. Such works frequently make use of polychoral techniques and often feature instrumental forces considerably...

 style. 16 masses for 8 to 16 voices survive.
Little of the music of Benevoli has been performed or recorded in modern times.
  • Orazio Benevolo - Sacred Music - Missa Azzolina Magnificat Dixit Dominus, Le Concert Spirituel Niquet. Naxos
  • Missa Tira Corda a 16 Tölzer Knabenchor
    Tölzer Knabenchor
    The Tölzer Knabenchor is a boys' choir with roots in the Bavarian town of Bad Tölz.The choir group is still led by director and singing master Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden, who founded the choir in 1956 when he was only nineteen years old. The founder was once a student of Carl Orff's and worked with him...

    dir. Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden 2010
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