Ordinary Lives
"Ordinary Lives" is a single released by the Bee Gees
Bee Gees
The Bee Gees are a musical group that originally comprised three brothers: Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio was successful for most of their 40-plus years of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a pop act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as a...

 in 1989
1989 in music
This is a list of notable events in music that took place in the year 1989.-Events:*January 14 – Paul McCartney releases Снова в СССР exclusively in the USSR...

. It was taken from their 16th studio album One
One (Bee Gees album)
One is the Bee Gees' eighteenth studio album, released in April 1989 . After the European success of their previous album, E.S.P., the Gibb brothers began to work on the One album in early 1988. In March, their brother Andy suddenly died and the Bee Gees took a break until November when they...


Following the premature death of their younger brother Andy Gibb
Andy Gibb
Andy Gibb was an English singer and teen idol, and the youngest brother of the family whose other male siblings formed the Bee Gees: Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb.-The early years:...

in 1988, the Bee Gees dedicated this song and their new album to him.

Chart performance

Chart (1989) Peak
Austria 19
Belgium 19
China 9
France 49
Germany 8
The Netherlands 23
United Kingdom 54
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