Oscar Wiggli


Oscar Wiggli was born in Solothurn
The city of Solothurn is the capital of the Canton of Solothurn in Switzerland. The city also comprises the only municipality of the district of the same name.-Pre-roman settlement:...

 in 1927. After working a few years as a mechanic, he studied architecture at the Zurich University from 1949 to 1951. He created his first wrought iron sculptures in 1955. Since 1956, he livesin Paris and in Muriaux
Muriaux is a municipality in the district of Franches-Montagnes in the canton of Jura in Switzerland. On 1 January 2009, the formerly independent municipality of Le Peuchapatte merged into the municipality of Muriaux....

, in Switzerland. In 1980, his works were shown in the Swiss Pavilion at the Venice Biennale
Venice Biennale
The Venice Biennale is a major contemporary art exhibition that takes place once every two years in Venice, Italy. The Venice Film Festival is part of it. So too is the Venice Biennale of Architecture, which is held in even years...

. From 1981 on, he also started experimenting and composing with electronical instruments.
In 2007, a retrospective was held in the Kunstmuseum Bern with the Zentrum Paul Klee
Zentrum Paul Klee
The Zentrum Paul Klee is a museum dedicated to the artist Paul Klee, located in Bern, Switzerland and designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano. It features about 40 percent of Paul Klee’s entire pictorial oeuvre....

, both in Bern.

External links

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