Oscar von Sydow
Oscar Fredrik von Sydow was a Swedish
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

A politician, political leader, or political figure is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making...

 who served as Prime Minister of Sweden
Prime Minister of Sweden
The Prime Minister is the head of government in the Kingdom of Sweden. Before the creation of the office of a Prime Minister in 1876, Sweden did not have a head of government separate from its head of state, namely the King, in whom the executive authority was vested...

 from February 23 to October 13, 1921.


Oscar von Sydow was the son of Henrik August von Sydow, a magistrate
A magistrate is an officer of the state; in modern usage the term usually refers to a judge or prosecutor. This was not always the case; in ancient Rome, a magistratus was one of the highest government officers and possessed both judicial and executive powers. Today, in common law systems, a...

's secretary and Euphrosyne Maria Modin. He was born in Kalmar
Kalmar is a city in Småland in the south-east of Sweden, situated by the Baltic Sea. It had 62,767 inhabitants in 2010 and is the seat of Kalmar Municipality. It is also the capital of Kalmar County, which comprises 12 municipalities with a total of 233,776 inhabitants .From the thirteenth to the...

 and raised in Norrland
Norrland is one of the three lands of Sweden , the northern part, consisting of nine provinces. The term Norrland is not used for any administrative purpose, but it is common in everyday language, e.g...

. In 1890, he passed his maturity examination
Studentexamen is the name of the university entrance examination in Sweden from the 17th century until 1968, during the period 1862–1968 taken as a final written and oral exam on graduation from gymnasium...

 and proceeded to study Law
Law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior, wherever possible. It shapes politics, economics and society in numerous ways and serves as a social mediator of relations between people. Contract law regulates everything from buying a bus...

 at Uppsala University
Uppsala University
Uppsala University is a research university in Uppsala, Sweden, and is the oldest university in Scandinavia, founded in 1477. It consistently ranks among the best universities in Northern Europe in international rankings and is generally considered one of the most prestigious institutions of...

. In 1894, he graduated with a degree in civil service
Civil service
The term civil service has two distinct meanings:* A branch of governmental service in which individuals are employed on the basis of professional merit as proven by competitive examinations....


In 1906, von Sydow was appointed Undersecretary of State at the Ministry for Civil Affairs, and in 1911 he became the Governor
A governor is a governing official, usually the executive of a non-sovereign level of government, ranking under the head of state...

 of Norrbotten County
Norrbotten County
Norrbotten County is the northernmost county or län of Sweden. It borders Västerbotten County to the southwest, the Gulf of Bothnia to the southeast. It also borders the counties of Nordland and Troms in Norway to the northwest, and Lapland Province in Finland to the northeast.The name...

. In the governments of Hjalmar Hammarskjöld
Hjalmar Hammarskjöld
Knut Hjalmar Leonard Hammarskjöld was a Swedish politician, scholar, cabinet minister, Member of Parliament from 1923 to 1938 , and Prime Minister of Sweden from 1914 to 1917....

 and Carl Swartz
Carl Swartz
Carl Johan Gustaf Swartz was a Swedish right-wing politician who served as Prime Minister of Sweden from 30 March 1917 to 19 October 1917...

 (1914–1917) he was Minister for Public Administration, during which he established the Unemployment Commission (arbetslöshetskommissionen). Between 1917 and 1934 he was Governor of Gothenburg and Bohus County
Gothenburg and Bohus County
The County of Gothenburg and Bohus, or Göteborgs och Bohus län, was a county of Sweden until December 31, 1998 when it was merged with the counties of Skaraborg and Älvsborg to form the county of Västra Götaland....


Following the sudden resignation of Prime Minister Louis De Geer
Gerhard Louis De Geer
Baron Gerhard Louis De Geer of Finspång was a Swedish politician, who served in the first chamber of the Riksdag 1901-14, was governor of Kristianstad County 1905-23, and Prime Minister of Sweden for 121 days in 1920-1921.-Biography:Louis De Geer was son of the baron and former prime minister...

 in 1921, the King
Monarch of Sweden
The monarchy of Sweden is the constitutional monarchy of the Kingdom of Sweden. The present monarch, Carl XVI Gustaf, has reigned since 15 September 1973. He and his immediate family undertake various official, ceremonial and representational duties...

 had difficulties finding a candidate willing to form a new government as the elections were drawing near. After Hjalmar Branting
Hjalmar Branting
was a Swedish politician. He was the leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party , and Prime Minister during three separate periods . When Branting came to power in 1920, he was the first Social Democratic Prime Minister of Sweden...

 declined upon being asked twice to become Prime Minister, the appointment went to Oscar von Sydow.

Von Sydow gave an ultimatum that he would not lead a powerless government and he demanded that the Social Democratic Party
Swedish Social Democratic Party
The Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party, , contesting elections as 'the Workers' Party – the Social Democrats' , or sometimes referred to just as 'the Social Democrats' and most commonly as Sossarna ; is the oldest and largest political party in Sweden. The party was founded in 1889...

 promise to support him in important finance and defence issues. Despite these agreements, all of the propositions made by the new government were voted down by the opposition. Von Sydow's lasting legacy as Prime Minister is for presenting the bill that abolished the death penalty in Sweden.

Von Sydow was Marshal of the Realm (riksmarskalk) from 1934 until his death in 1936.
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