Ottar Wicklund
Ottar Wicklund was a Norwegian actor. He made his debut in the film Sangen om Rondane. He was in over 20 Norwegian fils and had his last role in the film Min Marion in (1975). He also had many roles in Radioteatret
Radioteatret is a department of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation which produces audio plays for radio broadcasting. It was established in 1927.-Directors:...



  • Min Marion  (1975)
  • Fleksnes - Biovita Helsesenter (1974) (TV-series)
  • Balladen om mestertyven Ole Høiland  (1970)
  • Sus og dus på by'n  (1968)
  • Smuglere  (1968)
  • De ukjentes marked  (1968)
  • Hurra for Andersens! (1966)
  • De Kalte ham Skarven
    De kalte ham Skarven
    De kalte ham Skarven is a 1965 Norwegian drama film directed by Wilfred Breistrand and Erik Folke Gustavson, starring Per Christensen and Liv Ullmann. The film is about a fisherman who has to face judgement on his life after an accident....

  • Freske fraspark  (1963)
  • Det store varpet
    Det store varpet
    Det store varpet is a 1961 Norwegian drama film directed by Nils R. Müller, starring Finn Bernhoft, Per Christiansen and Jack Fjeldstad. The film is about two brothers working as fishermen with their father....

  • Høysommer (1958)
  • Ni liv  (1957)
  • Trost i taklampa (1955)
  • Cirkus Fandango
    Circus Fandango
    Circus Fandango is a 1954 Norwegian drama film directed by Arne Skouen. It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.-Cast:* Arne Arnardo - Fandango, boss* Joachim Holst-Jensen - Papa, clown* Ilselil Larsen - Tove* Toralv Maurstad - Jannik...

  • Selkvinnen  (1953)
  • Andrine og Kjell
    Andrine og Kjell
    Andrine og Kjell is a 1952 Norwegian drama film directed by Kåre Bergstrøm, starring Inger Marie Andersen and Toralv Maurstad. Andrine is attending a private secondary school, and rents a room with the family of her classmate Kjell...

  • Nødlanding  (1952)
  • Dei svarte hestane
    Dei svarte hestane
    Dei svarte hestane is a 1951 Norwegian drama film directed by Hans Jacob Nilsen and Sigval Maartmann-Moe, based on a book by Tarjei Vesaas, and starring Hans Jacob Nilsen, Eva Sletto and Ottar Vicklund....

  • Gullfjellet  (1941)
  • Eli Sjursdotter
    Eli Sjursdotter
    Eli Sjursdotter is a 1938 Norwegian drama film directed by Arne Bornebusch and Leif Sinding, starring Sonja Wigert, Ingjald Haaland and Sten Lindgren. The film is based on Johan Falkberget's 1913 novel by the same name....

  • Norge for folket  (1936)
  • Sangen om Rondane (1934)
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