Otto Spooky
Otto Spooky is the 18th studio album
Studio album
A studio album is an album made up of tracks recorded in the controlled environment of a recording studio. A studio album contains newly written and recorded or previously unreleased or remixed material, distinguishing itself from a compilation or reissue album of previously recorded material, or...

 by the avant-garde
Avant-garde means "advance guard" or "vanguard". The adjective form is used in English to refer to people or works that are experimental or innovative, particularly with respect to art, culture, and politics....

 artist Momus
Momus (artist)
Nick Currie , more popularly known under the artist name Momus , is a songwriter, blogger and former journalist for Wired...

, released in 2005.

Track listing

  1. "Sempreverde" - 3:53
  2. "Life of the Fields" - 5:49
  3. "Corkscrew King" - 5:26
  4. "Klaxon" - 3:52
  5. "Robin Hood" - 4:17
  6. "Lady Fancy Knickers" - 4:58
  7. "Lute Score" - 2:54
  8. "Belvedere" - 3:48
  9. "Your Fat Friend" - 4:02
  10. "Mr Ulysses" - 5:16
  11. "Water Song" - 4:07
  12. "Jesus In Furs" - 4:32
  13. "Bantam Boys" - 4:00
  14. "Cockle Pickers" - 7:56
  15. "The Artist Overwhelmed" - 4:25
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