Outpost security suite free

Outpost Security Suite Free is a Internet Security
Internet security
Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet. Its objective is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet. The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud,...

Freeware is computer software that is available for use at no cost or for an optional fee, but usually with one or more restricted usage rights. Freeware is in contrast to commercial software, which is typically sold for profit, but might be distributed for a business or commercial purpose in the...

 package for Windows PCs developed by Agnitum
Agnitum Ltd was founded in 1999 in St. Petersburg, Russia as software company. In 2000 Agnitum hired 2 developers and increased the number of staff people to 20 until 2002. Agnitum was originally focused on anti-trojan and PC connections monitoring solutions targeted on Windows PCs users...

 and released in November 2010, having English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...

 interface only and some restrictions compared to shareware
The term shareware is a proprietary software that is provided to users without payment on a trial basis and is often limited by any combination of functionality, availability, or convenience. Shareware is often offered as a download from an Internet website or as a compact disc included with a...

 paid edition.


  • Combined antivirus and antispyware (Anti-malware
    Malware, short for malicious software, consists of programming that is designed to disrupt or deny operation, gather information that leads to loss of privacy or exploitation, or gain unauthorized access to system resources, or that otherwise exhibits abusive behavior...

  • Free virus curing and anti-virus updates
  • PC firewall (see Outpost Firewall Pro)
  • Anti-Leak module (see Outpost Firewall Pro)
  • Email and web surfing security
  • Cloud-based services for users community (ImproveNet)
  • Automated OS defence
  • Anti-spam plug-in

System & hardware requirements

450 MHz CPU (x86-/x64-/multi-core), 256 MB RAM, 200 MB free disk space.


Outpost Free users are not granted to use the product in multiple languages and receive free Agnitum's technical support. Web security control tools and update frequency are limited.

NB! Agnitum distributes different software packages for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows editions (see external links).


Outpost Security Suite Free has been criticized by some end users for one-per-day update frequency limitation. Version 7.1 allows one auto-update per day and multiple on-demand manual updates. Some users also do not distinguish 32-bit and 64-bit editions distributed by Agnitum in different software packages (see external links).

External links

  • http://free.agnitum.com/ (Outpost's Free official website)
  • http://outpostfirewall.com/ (Unofficial Outpost users forum)
  • http://download.cnet.com/Agnitum-Outpost-Security-Suite-Free/3000-18510_4-75328020.html (Outpost Security Suite Free 32-bit main download page)
  • http://download.cnet.com/Agnitum-Outpost-Security-Suite-Free-64-bit/3000-18510_4-75328026.html?tag=mncol;4 (Outpost Security Suite Free 64-bit main download page)
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