video game under development by Wolfire Games
. It was announced on September 17, 2008. for all three major computer platforms: Windows
, Mac OS X
and Linux
The game plays as a 3D
third-person action game, set in a medieval world of anthropomorphic fighter rabbits, wolves, dogs, cats and rats
. The game is designed by David Rosen, mainly known in the Mac game development community for having placed well in the game development contest uDevGames three years in a row. No release date yet available.
Overgrowth will be based on a new game enginecalled the Phoenix Engine. The engine includes a number of useful features like an animation handler in which animations can be smoothly blended between, a scripting system using AngelScript that is tied into the game engine allowing for a lot of control over various engine features, and an ambient sound system. The game will be shipped with a fully featured level editor and the developers want to make sure that the tools required to mod the game won't be too costly or preferably free.
Overgrowth will build on the gameplay of its predecessor Lugaru. That would mean its fighting system will be based around context-sensitive attacks, reversals, high mobility and reliance on environment.
In Lugaru, context-sensitivity meant that, for example, standing up after ducking a spin-kick would have the player grab their opponent's leg and reverse their attack, or that the player could tap jump to lightly dodge an opponent's sweep. Every attack depends on the player's pace and position.
Another system highly likely to be included in Overgrowth is the reversal system. Every attack can be reversed by tapping a specific button at the right time. There are no invincible attacks. Reversals themselves can be counter-reversed to re-establish the status quo.
Use of environment has been alluded to on the official blog, with such scenarios as grabbing a staff from a tree to defend oneself, or using a river to foil the scent of hunting wolves—also hinting at survival elements.
Setting and plot
Official statements are again scarce, but a few aspects of the story and setting are well established.Overgrowth picks up where Lugaru left off, with the world in a state of de facto anarchy
. After killing the corrupted king, Turner, the main character, refused to take his place, instead choosing to leave the monarchy
headless and wander the island in search of some new purpose.
Overgrowths setting appears to build on that premise, as concept art shows a chaotic world with tall structures overrun by vegetation, and inhabited by fierce fighter rabbits, wolves, rats and dogs, trying to survive with simple weapons and makeshift armors. Some concept art
shows a city with an organic layout.
An interview with Wolfire Games by British video gaming website zConnection revealed some more details regarding the game's storyline and plot.
What is the plot or storyline of Lugaru's sequel, Overgrowth?
Well, I'm not supposed to reveal too much on this front. David is still ironing out the final details on the path of Overgrowth. We're pretty sure that we want Turner, the star of Lugaru, to be the protagonist of Overgrowth. Overgrowth will occur in the same world, some years after Lugaru ended. We believe veterans of Lugaru will have a more flavored understanding of Overgrowths atmosphere but we will definitely make Overgrowth its own stand alone game. New species are now in the world. So far we've announced cats and rats and we've worked out the cultural and physical differences of each species. I'm not supposed to leak the actual plot line yet but I can say that it will guide the player through all the exciting aspects of the Overgrowth universe.
It has been revealed that the title "Overgrowth" has at least four meanings that apply to the plot of the game.
Since the 25th of November, 2008, Wolfire Gameshas released an Alpha each week, containing all the features so far implemented in the game. These are available to people who have pre-ordered
the game.
Numerous press outlets have relayed the announcement of the game around the world, especially in the Mac and Linux communities, where Overgrowths predecessor, Lugaru, has been an underground success.External links
- Overgrowth website at Wolfire Games
- Wolfire blog, used to post status updates on Overgrowth
- What is Overgrowth Video (Flash required)