PDD not otherwise specified
Pervasive Developmental Disorder—Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) is a pervasive developmental disorder
Pervasive developmental disorder
Pervasive developmental disorders is a diagnostic category refers to a group of disorders characterized by delays or impairments in communication, social behaviors, and cognitive development.Pervasive developmental disorders include Autism, Asperger's syndrome, Rett's syndrome, Childhood...

 (PDD)/autism spectrum
Autism spectrum
The term "autism spectrum" is often used to describe disorders that are currently classified as pervasive developmental disorders. Pervasive developmental disorders include autism, Asperger syndrome, Childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise...

 disorder (ASD). PDD-NOS is one of three forms of Autism Spectrum Disorders. PDD-NOS is often referred to as atypical autism.


Swiss psychologist Eugen Bleuler
Eugen Bleuler
Paul Eugen Bleuler was a Swiss psychiatrist most notable for his contributions to the understanding of mental illness and for coining the term "schizophrenia."-Biography:...

 first used Autism about 100 years ago while defining signs of schizophrenia. Autism comes from the Greek word αὐτός (autós), meaning self.
Because the word refers to egocentric thinking, Bleuler defined autism as "autistic withdrawal of the patient to his fantasies, against which any influence from outside becomes an intolerable disturbance." This definition would manifest as characteristics of autism such as obsession with small details, or an inability to stray from a routine. In the United States, researchers first used the word Autism in the 1940s “to describe children with emotional or social problems.” This definition still holds true, as the main characteristics of Autism disorders are difficulties socializing and communicating. In the 1960s, the benefits of early intervention and parent therapy began to gain importance as well. Early on, no link between genetics and autism existed, while now, autism is seen as “one of the most heritable of all psychiatric conditions.” Today, 1 out of every 110 children born is diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.


PDD-NOS is typically diagnosed by child psychiatrists, psychologists, or pediatric neurologists. No singular specific test can be administered to determine whether or not a child is on the spectrum. Diagnosis is made through observations, questionnaires, and tests. A parent will usually initiate the quest into the diagnosis with questions for their child's pediatrician about their child's development after noticing abnormalities. From there, doctors will ask questions to gauge the child’s development in comparison to age-appropriate milestones. One test that measures this is the Modified Checklist of Autism in Toddlers (MCHAT). This is a list of questions whose answers will determine whether or not the child should be referred to a specialist such as a Developmental pediatrician, a neurologist
A neurologist is a physician who specializes in neurology, and is trained to investigate, or diagnose and treat neurological disorders.Neurology is the medical specialty related to the human nervous system. The nervous system encompasses the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. A specialist...

, a psychiatrist, or a psychologist. Another checklist, the DSM-IV is a series of characteristics and criteria to qualify for an autism diagnosis.


Because PDD-NOS is a spectrum disorder, not every child shows the same signs. The two main characteristics of the disorder are difficulties with social interaction skills and communication. Signs are often visible in babies but a diagnosis is usually not made until around age 4. Even though PDD-NOS is considered milder than typical autism, this is not always true. While some characteristics may be milder, others may be more severe.

Social functioning skills

Once a child with PDD-NOS enters school, he or she will often be very eager to interact with classmates, but may act socially different to peers and be unable to make genuine connections. As they age, the closest connections they make are typically with their parents. Children with PDD-NOS have difficulty reading facial expressions and relating to feelings of others. They may not know how to respond when someone is laughing or crying. Literal thinking is also characteristic of PDD-NOS. They will most likely have difficulty understanding figurative speech and sarcasm.

Communication skills

Inhibited communication skills are a sign of PDD-NOS that begins immediately after birth. As an infant, they will not babble, and as they age, they do not speak when age appropriate. Once verbal communication begins, their vocabulary is often limited. Some characteristics of language-based patterns are: repetitive or rigid language, narrow interests, uneven language development, and poor nonverbal communication. A very common characteristic of PDD-NOS is severe difficulty grasping the difference between pronouns, particularly between “you” and “me” when conversing. Difficulty with this would look something like this:

Parent: “Do you want to colour this or do you want me to?”

Child: “Me.”

This “me” response would be because, since the parent spoke the word "me", the child thinks that "me" still applies to the parent. The child with autism cannot grasp, without intervention, that the pronoun assignment of “me” refers to the speaker, and not to whomever spoke it first.


“Treatment for autism is a very intensive, comprehensive undertaking that involves the child's entire family and a team of professionals. Some programs may take place in the child's home with professionals and trained therapists and may include Parent Training for the child under supervision of a professional. Some programs are delivered in a specialized center, classroom or preschool.” Families usually decide upon one plan of intervention that works best for them. Typical types of intervention
Autism therapies
Autism therapies attempt to lessen the deficits and abnormal behaviours associated with autism and other autism spectrum disorders , and to increase the quality of life and functional independence of autistic individuals, especially children. Treatment is typically tailored to the child's needs...

 are Applied behavior analysis
Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied behavior analysis is a science that involves using modern behavioral learning theory to modify behaviors. Behavior analysts reject the use of hypothetical constructs and focus on the observable relationship of behavior to the environment...

 (ABA), Pivotal response therapy (PRT), The P.L.A.Y. Project
The P.L.A.Y. Project
The P.L.A.Y. Project or The PLAY Project is a community-based, national autism training and early intervention program established in 2001 by Richard Solomon, MD...

, Verbal Therapy, Floortime
Stanley Greenspan
Stanley Greenspan was a clinical professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Science, and Pediatrics at George Washington University Medical School and a practicing child psychiatrist...

, Relationship Development Intervention
Relationship Development Intervention
Relationship Development Intervention is a trademarked proprietary treatment program for autism spectrum disorders , based on the belief that the development of dynamic intelligence is the key to improving the quality of life for individuals with autism...

 (RDI), and The Son-Rise Program
Son-Rise is a home-based program for children with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities, which was developed by Barry Neil Kaufman and Samahria Lyte Kaufman for their autistic son. The program is a parent-directed, relationship-based play therapy...


External links

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