Palamabron is a character in William Blake's mythology
William Blake's mythology
The prophetic books of the English poet and artist William Blake contain a rich invented mythology , in which Blake worked to encode his revolutionary spiritual and political ideas into a prophecy for a new age. This desire to recreate the cosmos is the heart of his work and his psychology...

, representing pity.
He is the brother of Rintrah
Rintrah is a character in William Blake's mythology, representing the just wrath of the prophet. Rintrah first appears in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: "Rintrah roars and shakes his fires in the burdened air" shows him personifying revolutionary wrath...

 (wrath), Bromion
Bromion is a character in the mythology of William Blake. According to S. Foster Damon he represents Reason, from the side of the poet's mind.-Incidence:* Visions of the Daughters of Albion, in which he plays a major role...

 (scientific thought), and Theotormon (desire/jealousy), represented together as either the Sons of Los or of Jerusalem.
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