Paloozaville is an animated/live-action series for children and their parents on the Video On Demand
Video on demand
Video on Demand or Audio and Video On Demand are systems which allow users to select and watch/listen to video or audio content on demand...

 network: Mag Rack
Mag Rack
Mag Rack is a Video on Demand television channel. Its primary focus is providing viewers with informational programs when they want them. These programs range from 'how to' programs to programs that spotlight past and present products.The service started off as a 24 hour Catholic channel at the...


The Mag Rack original series was created exclusiverly for On Demand and stars John Lithgow
John Lithgow
John Arthur Lithgow is an American actor, musician, and author. Presently, he is involved with a wide range of media projects, including stage, television, film, and radio...

 as Paloozaville's absent-minded mayor. The show is based on Lithgow's best selling children's books. Every episode begins with a boredom crisis that is subsequently solved by co-host Suza Palooza, Carmen de la Paz
Carmen De La Paz
Carmen Nery De La Paz is an American television personality, interior/exterior designer, wood turner, welder, and professional cook. She is best known for her work on HGTV’s Hammer Heads, Design Star and All American Handyman...

, and her team of kids. Every episode has a different theme centering around arts and crafts, music, history, dance, literature, and drama. The series strives to create educational children's entertainment that will allow parents to spend time with their children and learn at the same time.
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