Pastoralia is short story writer George Saunders
George Saunders
George Saunders is a New York Times bestselling American writer of short stories, essays, novellas and children's books. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker, Harper's, McSweeney's and GQ, among other publications...

’s second full length short story collection
Short story collection
A short story collection is a book of short stories by a single author, as distinguished by an anthology of fiction by more than one author. The stories in a collection can share a theme, setting, or characters and sometimes can also include work of poetry. Notable collections include Nine Stories...

, published in 2001; it is 208 pages long. The collection consists entirely of stories that appeared (sometimes in different forms) in The New Yorker
The New Yorker
The New Yorker is an American magazine of reportage, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons and poetry published by Condé Nast...

. The majority of the stories in this collection were O. Henry Award
O. Henry Award
The O. Henry Award is the only yearly award given to short stories of exceptional merit. The award is named after the American master of the form, O. Henry....

 Prize Stories. The collection was a New York Times Notable Book for 2001.


  • "Pastoralia" (Originally published in shorter form in The New Yorker, 2000)
  • "Winky" (The New Yorker, 1997)
  • "Sea Oak" (The New Yorker, 1998)
  • "The End of FIRPO in the World" (The New Yorker, 1998)
  • "The Barber's Unhappiness" (The New Yorker, 1999)
  • "The Falls" (The New Yorker, 1996)

Awards, Honors and Other Appearances

  • "Pastoralia" was an O. Henry Award
    O. Henry Award
    The O. Henry Award is the only yearly award given to short stories of exceptional merit. The award is named after the American master of the form, O. Henry....

     Prize Story in 2001.
  • "Winky" Was an O. Henry Award Prize Story in 1998.
  • "Sea Oak" was an O. Henry Award Prize Story in 1999. It was nominated for the 1999 Bram Stoker Award
    Bram Stoker Award
    The Bram Stoker Award is a recognition presented by the Horror Writers Association for "superior achievement" in horror writing. The awards have been presented annually since 1987, and the winners are selected by ballot of the Active members of the HWA...

    . It was also reprinted in Feeling Very Strange: The Slipstream Anthology, edited by James Patrick Kelly
    James Patrick Kelly
    James Patrick Kelly is an American science fiction author who began publishing in the 1970s and remains to this day an important figure in the science fiction field....

     and John Kessel
    John Kessel
    John Kessel is an American author of science fiction and fantasy. He is a prolific short story writer and the author of two solo novels, Good News From Outer Space and Corrupting Dr...

    ; it was also reprinted in American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the 1940s to Now, edited by Peter Straub
    Peter Straub
    Peter Francis Straub is an American author and poet, most famous for his work in the horror genre. His horror fiction has received numerous literary honors such as the Bram Stoker Award, World Fantasy Award, and International Horror Guild Award, placing him among the most-honored horror authors in...

  • "The Falls" was an O. Henry Award Prize Story in 1997.
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