Patriarch Zoilus of Alexandria
Zoilus served as Greek Patriarch of Alexandria between 541
Year 541 was a common year starting on Tuesday of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Basilius without colleague...

 and 551
Year 551 was a common year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar. The denomination 551 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.- Byzantine Empire :* Beirut is destroyed by an...


Zacharias Rhetor
Zacharias Rhetor
Zacharias of Mytilene , also known as Zacharias Scholasticus or Zacharias Rhetor, was a bishop and ecclesiastical historian....

 reports on how Patriarch Paul of Alexandria
Patriarch Paul of Alexandria
Patriarch Paul of Alexandria was Greek Patriarch of Alexandria between 536 and 540.He was elected Patriarch in 536 when the Greek Church of Alexandria, which had previously recognized the Miaphysite Theodosius I, disbanded with this recognition and elected Paul in his place...

 was involved in a murder. He was consequently deposed and replaced by Zoilus (in 539/540). Acacius was the military officer tasked to protect Zoilus from the hostile population of Alexandria. Zacharia details: "Ephraim of Antioch
Ephraim of Antioch
Ephraim of Antioch or of Amida |Amida]] in Mesopotamia; d. in 545) was Patriarch of Antioch and a Church Father. He was one of the defenders of the Faith of the Council of Chalcedon against the Monophysites. He is an Orthodox saint.-Life:...

 was send to Alexandria
Alexandria is the second-largest city of Egypt, with a population of 4.1 million, extending about along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the north central part of the country; it is also the largest city lying directly on the Mediterranean coast. It is Egypt's largest seaport, serving...

, and Abraham Bar Khili [accompanied him]; and, as they passed through Palestine
Palestine is a conventional name, among others, used to describe the geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands....

, they took with them a monk named Zoilus. And they went to Alex[andria and] investigated the action of Paul
Patriarch Paul of Alexandria
Patriarch Paul of Alexandria was Greek Patriarch of Alexandria between 536 and 540.He was elected Patriarch in 536 when the Greek Church of Alexandria, which had previously recognized the Miaphysite Theodosius I, disbanded with this recognition and elected Paul in his place...

;and they drove him from his see and entroned Zoilus, a Synodite, in the city: and in order to protect this man from the violence [of] the people of the city, they appointed Acacius
Acacius (Alexandria)
Acacius was a Byzantine military officer, active in Alexandria during the reign of Justinian I .Acacius was a native of Amida, and Zacharias Rhetor calls him "Bar Eshkhofo", which seems to mean "son of a cobbler...

 Bar Eshkhofo of Amida
Amida (Roman city)
Amida was an ancient city located where modern Diyarbakır, Turkey. The Roman writers Ammianus Marcellinus and Procopius consider it a city of Mesopotamia, but it may be more properly viewed as belonging to Armenia Major....

tribune of the Romans there."
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