Patrick Bouchitey
Patrick Bouchitey is a French actor and film director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

. He has appeared in 81 films and television shows since 1972
1972 in film
The year 1972 in film involved some significant events.-Top grossing films :- Awards :Academy Awards:*Avanti!, directed by Billy Wilder, starring Jack Lemmon and Juliet MillsB...

. His film Cold Moon
Cold Moon
Cold Moon is a 1991 French drama film directed by Patrick Bouchitey. It was entered into the 1991 Cannes Film Festival. It is based on the Charles Bukowski short stories "The Copulating Mermaid of Venice" and "Trouble with the Battery".-Cast:...

was entered into the 1991 Cannes Film Festival
1991 Cannes Film Festival
- Jury :*Roman Polanski *Férid Boughedir *Whoopi Goldberg *Margaret Menegoz *Natalia Negoda *Alan Parker *Jean-Paul Rappeneau *Hans Dieter Seidel *Vittorio Storaro...


Selected filmography

  • La Meilleure façon de marcher
    La Meilleure façon de marcher
    La meilleure façon de marcher is a 1976 French film directed by Claude Miller, his directorial debut. It stars Patrick Dewaere, Patrick Bouchitey, Christine Pascal, Claude Piéplu and Michel Blanc.- Plot :...

  • Cold Moon
    Cold Moon
    Cold Moon is a 1991 French drama film directed by Patrick Bouchitey. It was entered into the 1991 Cannes Film Festival. It is based on the Charles Bukowski short stories "The Copulating Mermaid of Venice" and "Trouble with the Battery".-Cast:...

    (1991 - directed)
  • 1, 2, 3, Sun
    1, 2, 3, Sun
    -Plot:The film follows the life of a young woman in the poor section of Marseille, France. She has to deal with many things, including a drunken father and harassing cliques...

  • Neuf mois
    Neuf mois
    Neuf mois is a 1994 romantic comedy film stars Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Catherine Jacob, Patrick Braoudé, Daniel Russo, Patrick Bouchitey, and Pascal Légitimus. The movie resulted in the US remake Nine Months....

  • Beaumarchais
    Beaumarchais (film)
    Beaumarchais is a 1996 French biopic film directed by Édouard Molinaro and starring Fabrice Luchini, Manuel Blanc and Sandrine Kiberlain...

  • Max & Co
    Max & Co
    Max & Co is a stop-motion animated feature film released in Belgium, France, and Switzerland in February 2008. It won the Audience Award at the 2007 Annecy International Animated Film Festival...


External links

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