Paul Costa Jr
Paul Costa Jr is an American Psychologist associated with the Five Factor Model
Big Five personality traits
In contemporary psychology, the "Big Five" factors of personality are five broad domains or dimensions of personality which are used to describe human personality....


Author of over 300 academic articles, several books, he is perhaps best known for the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, or NEO PI-R, a psychological personality inventory
Personality Assessment Inventory
Personality Assessment Inventory , authored by Leslie Morey, PhD, is a multi-scale test of psychological functioning that assesses constructs relevant to personality and psychopathology evaluation in various contexts including psychotherapy, crisis/evaluation, forensic, personnel selection,...

; a 240-item measure of the Five Factor Model: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience. Additionally, the test measures six subordinate dimensions (known as 'facets') of each of the "FFM" personality factors, developed together with Robert McCrae
Robert McCrae
Robert McCrae was a Scottish professional footballer who played as a full back. He played two matches in the first-ever season of the Football League for Burnley.-References:...

. Work on this model has made Costa one of the most cited living psychologists.

Alongside this inventory, he and McCrae have argued that personality is stable, especially after age 30, that it is universal (present in the same structure across ethnicities, cultures and times), that the core structure consists of five major domains, that these in turn reflect a facet-based structure. He has argued that personality is an important influence on behavior (as opposed to situational models where individual behavior reflects no lasting individual differences), including longevity and health.
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