Pecan Grove Press
Pecan Grove Press publishes primarily poetry
Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning...

 books and chapbooks. Though sponsored by the Department of English and The Academic Library of St. Mary's University
St. Mary's University, Texas
St. Mary's University is a Catholic and Marianist liberal arts institution located on northwest of downtown San Antonio, Texas, United States. St. Mary’s is a nationally recognized master’s level school ranked among the top colleges in the west for best value and academic reputation by U.S. News...

 in San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio is the seventh-largest city in the United States of America and the second-largest city within the state of Texas, with a population of 1.33 million. Located in the American Southwest and the south–central part of Texas, the city serves as the seat of Bexar County. In 2011,...

, the press is self-supporting. Founded in 1988 by St. Mary's faculty member, Karen Navarte, Pecan Grove Press has served poets for more than 20 years. It receives approximately 300 manuscripts for consideration yearly and has produced more than 110 books. Although the press's scope includes poets from across the state of Texas and as far away as Canada, it remains true to its roots by continuing to publish at least one San Antonio poet each year.

Since 1990 H. Palmer Hall
H. Palmer Hall
H. Palmer Hall is a poet, fiction writer, essayist, editor and librarian who lives in San Antonio, Texas. A Vietnam veteran who grew up near the Big Thicket in southeast Texas, Hall's writing often examines themes of war and its impact on the veterans who fight them. His work also examines the...

, the library director at St. Mary's University, has served as the press's director. In his capacity, Dr. Hall has expanded the mission of Pecan Grove Press by publishing writers from all over the United States, Canada and Mexico while continuing to publish St. Mary's University student poets and writers from the San Antonio area. Pecan Grove Press celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2008 by publishing its 100th book of poetry.

Notable Poets

Among the notable poets published by Pecan Grove Press are three state Poets Laureate: Larry D. Thomas
Larry D. Thomas
Larry D. Thomas is an American poet. He was the 2008 Texas Poet Laureate, and in 2009 was inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters.-Early life and education:...

, Poet Laureate of Texas from 2007–2009; Patricia Fargnoli
Patricia Fargnoli
Patricia Fargnoli is an award-winning American poet and retired psychotherapist. She was the New Hampshire Laureate from December 2006 to March 2009....

, Poet Laureate of New Hampshire from 2006–2009; and James Hoggard, Poet Laureate of Texas from 1998 - 2000. Other notable poets include Vince Gotera
Vince Gotera
Vince Gotera is an American poet and writer, best known as Editor of the North American Review. In 1996, Nick Carbó called him a "leading Filipino-American poet of this generation"; later, in 2004, Carbó described him as "one of the leading Asian American poets .....

, editor of North American Review; Marian Haddad; Edward Byrne, well known for his "One Poet's Notes" blog; Olga Samples Davis; Wendy Barker
Wendy Barker
Wendy Bean Barker is an American poet. She is Poet-in-Residence and a professor of English at the University of Texas at San Antonio, where she has taught since 1982.- Biography :...

, winner of two Violet Crown awards from the Texas League of Writers; Gwyn McVay; award-winning poet, essayist and dramatist David Brendan Hopes
David Brendan Hopes
David Brendan Hopes is an American author, playwright, and poet. He is a professor of literature at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. His books and volumes of poetry have won him critical acclaim and his plays have been produced all over the world and he continues to be prolific...

; Cyra S. Dumitru; Colin Morton
Colin Morton
-Life:He grew up in Calgary.His poetry and fiction have appeared in Descant, The Fiddlehead, Arc, Grain, The Malahat Review, Ascent, and The North American Review. He was a member of the performance group First Draft along with Susan McMaster, Andrew McClure, Alrick Huebener, Roberta Huebener,...

, award-winning Canadian poet; Bonnie Lyons
Bonnie Lyons
Bonnie Lyons is an American writer and academic.Bonnie was born in Brooklyn, New York and lived there until she was five years old, at which point she moved to Miami Beach. Her grandparents were Benjamin and Rebecca Kaplan and Benjamin and Rose Dubrow, all of whom were originally from Minsk,...

; and Joel Peckham
Joel Peckham
Joel B. Peckham, Jr. is an American poet, scholar of American literature and a creative writer.-Career:He has taught at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Hope College, and the Georgia Military College...


External links

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