Penny Rourke (character)
Paula Sinclair was a fictional character in the New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses and numerous smaller islands. The country is situated some east of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and roughly south of the Pacific island nations of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga...

 soap opera
Soap opera
A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble,...

 Shortland Street
Shortland Street
Shortland Street is a New Zealand prime-time soap opera, first broadcast on Television New Zealand's TV2 on 25 May 1992. It is the country's longest-running drama and soap opera, being broadcast continuously for over 4500 episodes and 19 years, and is one of the most watched television programs in...


Before Shortland Street

Paulas father died while on duty as he was a soldier. Paula blamed the accident on Scotty
James Scott (character)
James Owen "Scotty" Scott is a fictional character on New Zealand's longest running soap opera Shortland Street and was portrayed by Kiel McNaughton from his arrival in March 2007, first as a guest character before returning in June 2007 as a core cast member, up until the characters axing in 2011...

, Warren Briggs and one of the soldiers who was in his battalion while this turned her into a psychopath. Paula's mother Delaney did not take well after the accident and committed suicide, leaving Paula a small section while her fathers death made her began to put the blame against the three. In 2009, Paula murdered one of the men in Scotty's battalion and made it look like he had a heart attack. On July 1, 2010, she killed Warren Briggs in Scotty house, first by trying to run him over then by putting him to sleep and making him overdose on drugs as he was a drug addict it looked like he had done it himself and she got away with it.


Paula arrives to the street under the name Penny Rourke. She first appeared on screen when she attended a job interview for an orderly for Shortland Street Hospital
Shortland Street Hospital
Shortland Street Hospital is a fictional hospital which is the main setting for the TVNZ soap opera Shortland Street...

 that Brodie Kemp was also trying out for. This was nearly a week after Warren's death. Brodie made advances to her, which she rejected. Penny won the job over Brodie and Brodie was happy to learn she was also his new flatmate alongside Hunter McKay
Hunter McKay
Hunter McKay is a fictional character in the TVNZ soap opera Shortland Street. He has been portrayed by Lee Donoghue since he first appeared in December 2006 as part of a new family unit consisting of parents Callum McKay and Justine Jones and younger sister Sophie McKay .The character is gifted...

. Brodie tried multiple times to get with Penny, but she started dating Hunter instead. Penny started getting closer towards Scotty and his girlfriend Tracey Morrison
Tracey Morrison
Tracey Morrison was a fictional character on the New Zealand Soap Opera Shortland Street. Tracey is portrayed by Sarah Thomson and first appeared on the show in 2007 and returned as a major character mid 2008. She departed in 2011.-Casting:...

, so much so that Tracey thought Penny had a crush on Scotty. This is the reason Penny started to date Hunter, to put Tracey off her scent. Scotty started to get annoyed at Penny as she came round to his house and talked to him often. Penny even found a way to get to his house by befriending Phoenix
Phoenix Raynor (character)
Phoenix Raynor-Warner is a fictional character on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street. He has been portrayed by Geordie Holibar since his debut in the show's first ever 90 minute episode in August 2010...

, who was staying there.

While at Scott's house, Penny noticed that Scotty drank protein shakes when he ran. She started to poison it with unknown chemicals. A lot of the staff noticed Scotty's severe mood changes caused by this drug. Penny got very annoyed when Scotty stopped taking protein shakes as he thought they were causing his sickness. Penny and Hunter were shocked when they learnt Brodie was scamming money off them in rent. Penny took very badly and demanded Brodie leave. She also stole his guitar and sold it. Hunter thought this was very harsh and the two broke up. Penny saw Scotty about to eat a curry, so she put a lethal dose of the poison in it. Unbenownst to her, Hunter ate the curry instead. She found out though and gave him chemicals which made him vomit. The two decided to get back together. Brodie found a letter addressed to Paula Sinclair and searched the name on the internet. He found pictures of Penny and he told Hunter. Penny made an excuse and decided it was time for Brodie to go. She made Brodie kiss her and told Hunter that Brodie had been sexually harassing her. Hunter got Brodie to leave.

In late August, Penny took Scotty home as he was very sick. She let him sleep on the sofa. He woke up though as Tracey rang. He told Penny to leave, but she returned later that night and turned the gas heater on. After a while the rug Scotty was sleeping under caught alight and Scotty continued to sleep as the fire engulfed the blanket. Tracey arrives home in time though and saves Scotty. Penny later steals Traceys phone and txts Scotty to go to the hospital. On the road, Penny sees Scotty and he pulls over. She tells him that a tyre is stuck in her boot. As Scotty leans in, Penny whacks him with a crowbar and puts him in the boot. She then drives away. Penny takes Scotty to a small property her mother gifted her when she died. She makes Scotty dig his own grave and he explains that her father Greg raped his girlfriend. Penny does not take well to this and shoots Scotty. Tracey and Sarah
Sarah Potts (character)
Dr. Sarah Marjorie Potts is a fictional character on the soap opera Shortland Street. She is played by Amanda Billing. First arriving in September 2004, the character has reached the record of one of the longest ever stint's in the soap's history, with only short term breaks every few years.Sarah...

arrive in time and rescue Scotty. Penny escapes.

Hunter arrives to the flat to discover Penny frantically packing, he helps her escape. Later, a nationwide search is put out for Penny. She confronts Hunter in the flat asking for money and they agree to meet at the McKay house and exchange the money. But Hunter sets Penny up and she is arrested. Penny swears vengeance on Hunter.

Scotty learns in December 2010 that some prisoners have escaped prison. In 2011 it is learned Penny was not one of the escapees.
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