Peter J McCarthy
Peter J McCarthy, an award winning Irish filmmaker, producer, photographer and oil painter. Managing Director of Good Dog Films Limited t/a and Peter has produced and directed works in conjunction with the Irish Film Board
Irish Film Board
The Irish Film Board is Ireland’s national film agency and major film funding body. It was recommended for abolition by the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes in 2009.-Formative years:...

, Arts Council and has appeared on CBS News, TV3, Radio New Zealand, TVNZ. With film's screenings at the Kerry Film Festival
Kerry Film Festival
The Kerry Film Festival is an annual film festival in County Kerry, Republic of Ireland.The first festival with this name was held in 1993..From 2000, it has been called the Samhlaíocht Kerry Film Festival and funded by the Arts Council of Ireland, Kerry County Council, Fáilte Ireland, as well as...

, Darklight, Doc NZ International Film Festival, Craic Fest New York and Little Rock Film Festival
Little Rock Film Festival
The Little Rock Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Downtown Little Rock, Arkansas each spring. Based in the historic Little Rock River Market District, home to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library, the Little Rock Film Festival has showcased the best in Narrative,...

, Arkansas, sponsored by President Clinton.


Peter J McCarthy produced and co-directed Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight (documentary)
Fight or Flight is a 2007 documentary film produced by Peter J McCarthy and directed by McCarthy and Shane Sutton. The film won "Best Foreign Documentary" at the Long Island Film Festival as well as "Best Documentary" at festivals in Hamburg, Toronto and California...

, winning four International "Best Documentary" awards from Hamburg, Toronto and California and winner of the "Best Foreign Documentary" at the Long Island Film Festival. Two nominations and a "Best Feature Selection" in Toronto. Co-producer on the film "Loss"which won Best Directing and Music at the Shanghai International Film Festival.

Peter is currently developing a period feature project with Gary Whitedeer, a Choctaw Native American native, writer and artist.

External links

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