Philip Sheffield Elementary School
Philip Sheffield Elementary is a public elementary school
Elementary school
An elementary school or primary school is an institution where children receive the first stage of compulsory education known as elementary or primary education. Elementary school is the preferred term in some countries, particularly those in North America, where the terms grade school and grammar...

 in Abbotsford, British Columbia
Abbotsford, British Columbia
Abbotsford is a Canadian city located in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, adjacent to Greater Vancouver. It is the fifth largest municipality in British Columbia, home to 123,864 people . Its Census Metropolitan Area, which includes the District of Mission, is the 23rd largest in Canada,...

 part of School District 34 Abbotsford
School District 34 Abbotsford
School District 34 Abbotsford is a school district in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. The district is located in the city of Abbotsford.It has seen steady growth as a result of Abbotsford's place as one of the fastest growing cities in North America....

. Philip Sheffield Elementary School is a small inner city school located in central Abbotsford on Pine Street.


The school was built in the late 1920’s as a high school and was rededicated Philip Sheffield High School in 1936. It remained the only high school in the Abbotsford school district for twenty five years. The school is rich in history with many prominent members of the community having received their education at this school.

In September 2005, Philip Sheffield became a K-5 school. All classes were split grades. The school goals were geared toward the improvement of student achievement in Reading and Social Responsibility, in particular. Staff and parents worked together to improve learning and there was a great sense of community. Guided Reading, Literature Profiles and Performance Based Assessments formed an integral part of the literacy program. Numeracy results were always above average.

At the end of the 2006-2007 school year, Philip Sheffield was officially closed and the building was repurposed as the home for the Abbotsford Virtual School
Abbotsford Virtual School
Abbotsford Virtual School is a Distributed Learning school, located in Abbotsford, British Columbia, that provides collaborative educational programs for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students and any BC resident wanting to complete courses to graduate...

. Some historical pictures are still on display in the building and some relics were moved to Trethewey House.


At the end of the 2006-2007 school year, Philip Sheffield was officially closed and the building was repurposed as the home for the Abbotsford Virtual School. Some historical pictures are still on display in the building and some relics were moved to Trethewey House.

Abbotsford Virtual School (may be abbreviated as AVS) is a Distributed Learning school that provides collaborative educational programs for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students and any BC resident wanting to complete courses to graduate. Abbotsford Virtual School (AVS) offers Virtual School courses, as well as "any pace, any place" Open School and COOL School courses. Virtual Courses are teacher-paced, semester-based courses which operate like a regular high school course BUT delivered through the Internet. Teachers and students remain connected through the semester via email, text message, SkypeTM, and ElluminateLiveTM.
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