is a Japanese photography
Photography is the art, science and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film...

 magazine that emphasizes the participation of and contests for its readers. Its title alludes to "photo contest".

The magazine has a complex history. Photo Contest was a monthly magazine whose first issue was dated September 1956. This turned into the much more ambitious and very different Camera Age , a monthly magazine that ran from January 1966 till January 1967. The earlier magazine returned as the twice-monthly Junkan Foto Kontesuto from May 1967, from January 1968 till October 1973 Gekkan Foto Kontesuto and from January 1974 until December 2007 Japan Photo Contest Monthly (formally , Nihon Foto Kontesuto; normally , Foto Kontesuto).


  • Shirayama Mari. "Major Photography Magazines". In The History of Japanese Photography, ed. Ann Wilkes Tucker, et al. New Haven: Yale University Press
    Yale University Press
    Yale University Press is a book publisher founded in 1908 by George Parmly Day. It became an official department of Yale University in 1961, but remains financially and operationally autonomous....

    , 2003. ISBN 0-300-09925-8. Pp. 384 (on Camera Jidai). Shirayama Mari . Shashin zasshi no kiseki . Tokyo: JCII Library, 2001. P. 18.
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