Phylace (Pieria)
Phylace or Phylakai was an ancient city in mountainous Pieria, Macedon
Macedonia or Macedon was an ancient kingdom, centered in the northeastern part of the Greek peninsula, bordered by Epirus to the west, Paeonia to the north, the region of Thrace to the east and Thessaly to the south....

ia, on the Haliacmon
The Haliacmon is the longest river in Greece, with a total length of . Haliacmon is the traditional English name for the river, but many sources cite the formerly official Katharevousa version of the name, Aliákmon...

 river, north of Balla
Balla (Pieria)
Balla was an ancient city in mountainous Pieria of Macedonia, on the Haliacmon river, south of Phylace, possibly at modern Palaiogratsiano.-References: *The Macedonian State By N. G. L. Hammond pages 157, 385 ISBN 0198149271...

. Parmenion, son of Glaucias, Phylacean (Greek: ) was a dolichos
Dolichos (running race)
Dolichos or Dolichus in ancient Olympics was a long-race introduced in 720 BC. Separate accounts of the race present conflicting evidence as to the actual length of the dolichos. However, the average stated length of the race was approximately 18-24 laps, or about three miles...

 runner and winner in the Alexandrian games at Beroea
Veria is a city built at the foot of Vermion Mountains in Greece. It is a commercial center of Macedonia, the capital of the prefecture of Imathia, the province of Imathia and the seat of a bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church...

 in 3rd/2nd c. BCE (dedicated to Alexander the Great).
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