Physical Security Information Management
Physical security information management (PSIM) is a category of software that provides a platform and applications created by middleware
Middleware is computer software that connects software components or people and their applications. The software consists of a set of services that allows multiple processes running on one or more machines to interact...

 developers, designed to integrate multiple unconnected security applications and devices and control them through one comprehensive user interface
User interface
The user interface, in the industrial design field of human–machine interaction, is the space where interaction between humans and machines occurs. The goal of interaction between a human and a machine at the user interface is effective operation and control of the machine, and feedback from the...

. It collects and correlates events from existing disparate security devices and information systems (video, access control, sensors, analytics, networks, building systems, etc.) to empower personnel to identify and proactively resolve situations. PSIM integration enables numerous organisational benefits, including increased control, improved situation awareness
Situation awareness
Situation awareness, situational awareness, or SA, is the perception of environmental elements with respect to time and/or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time...

 and management reporting. Ultimately, these solutions allow organisations to reduce costs through improved efficiency and to improve security through increased intelligence.

A complete PSIM software system has five key capabilities:
  1. Collection: Device management independent software collects data from any number of disparate security devices or systems.
  2. Analysis: The system analyzes and correlates the data, events, and alarms, to identify the real situations and their priority.
  3. Verification: PSIM software presents the relevant situation information in a quick and easily-digestible format for an operator to verify the situation.
  4. Resolution: The system provides Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), step-by-step instructions based on best practices and an organization’s policies, and tools to resolve the situation.
  5. Reporting: The PSIM software tracks all the information and steps for compliance reporting, training and potentially, in-depth investigative analysis.

PSIM based Integration

A key differential between PSIM based integration and other forms of physical security
Physical security
Physical security describes measures that are designed to deny access to unauthorized personnel from physically accessing a building, facility, resource, or stored information; and guidance on how to design structures to resist potentially hostile acts...

 system integration is the ability for a PSIM platform to connect systems at a data level, contrasting other forms of integration which interface a limited number of products. PSIM allows use of open technologies which are compatible with a large number of manufacturers. These PSIM products offer more opportunities for expansion and can reduce implementation costs through greater use of existing equipment.
PSIM solutions in general are deployed to centralize information to single or multiple control hubs. These are referred to as control room
Control room
A control room is a room serving as an operations centre where a facility or service can be monitored and controlled. Examples include:*in television production, the master control is the technical hub of a broadcast operation common among most over-the-air television stations, television networks...

s or command and control centres.
Security systems typically integrated into a PSIM solution include;
  • Access control systems
  • CCTV
  • Fire detection
  • Large scale displays
  • Intruder alarm systems
  • Perimeter intruder detection systems
  • Radar based detection
  • GIS mapping systems
  • Audio/video door communication
  • Automated barriers & bollards
  • Building management systems

Operator guidance

PSIM solutions manage all of the data produced by the various security applications, and aggregate them to produce meaningful intelligence. This in turn is converted to create graphical situation management; combining relevant visual intelligence, workflow
A workflow consists of a sequence of connected steps. It is a depiction of a sequence of operations, declared as work of a person, a group of persons, an organization of staff, or one or more simple or complex mechanisms. Workflow may be seen as any abstraction of real work...

 based on screen guidance and automated tasks. This is used for both event management and for day to day security operations. Some of the more advanced PSIM products offer dynamic guidance, which can be change according to the perceived threat level. This threat level is governed by both external intelligence, such as DHS advice and internal intelligence, such as the number of attempted breaches.

Typical deployments

PSIM solutions can be found in a wide range of industry and government sectors across the globe. The following are industries where PSIM deployments can be found;
  • Critical national infrastructure
  • Homeland defense
  • Corporate security
  • Law enforcement
  • Local government CCTV
  • Education campus protection

Examples of PSIM deployments in corporate organisations include IBM
International Business Machines Corporation or IBM is an American multinational technology and consulting corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States. IBM manufactures and sells computer hardware and software, and it offers infrastructure, hosting and consulting services in areas...

, where it is being used to centrally manage security from 27 sites in the UK. PSIM solutions have also been deployed in Law Enforcement agencies, where the requirement has been more focused on visual intelligence and effective resource management, examples of this include Greater Manchester Police
Greater Manchester Police
Greater Manchester Police is the police force responsible for law enforcement within the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester in North West England...

. The City of Davenport also uses PSIM to improve public safety and multi-agency coordination. PSIM has also been implemented in Fusion Centers
Fusion center
A fusion center is a terrorism prevention and response center, many of which were created under a joint project between the Department of Homeland Security and the US Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs between 2003 and 2007....

 such as the Joint Transportation Management Center in New York City for emergency response and coordination.

IT convergence

A key reason for the increased deployment of this technology has been its ability to bridge the gap between the security and information technology
Information technology
Information technology is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications...

 functions within organisations. Security applications and devises have until very recently been only available on proprietary technologies, which reduce the ability to use multiple vendors and have created vendor lock in pricing strategies. This opposes IT standards, where plug and play technology has allowed a greater choice of hardware and has helped reduce hardware costs. PSIM enables a greater degree of this type of interpretability, and comes at a time when security applications and devices are moving from analogue to network based connectivity. The combined effect has seen PSIM solutions score highly with IT departments globally.

Security at board level

The function of security departments has traditionally been to secure people and buildings, and has been slow to absorb new technology, relying more on manned guards and physical barriers. As Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise risk management in business includes the methods and processes used by organizations to manage risks and seize opportunities related to the achievement of their objectives...

 (ERM) evolves to address all security and legislative risks across all stakeholders, physical security departments have come under increased scrutiny.
Numerous examples of physical security breaches leading to major organizational losses, both in terms of assets and brand damage have led to physical security reporting to board level. Globally, new roles have been created within large organizations where Chief Information Security Officer
Chief information security officer
A chief information security officer is the senior-level executive within an organization responsible for establishing and maintaining the enterprise vision, strategy and program to ensure information assets are adequately protected...

s (CISO), have responsibility for ERM, including physical security. Subsequently, management reporting, policy compliance and KPIs have entered the physical security function, requiring more efficient working practices and monitoring tools. Again PSIM software addresses these organizational requirements, and is therefore being stipulated by CISOs.

PSIM Market Growth

Accroding to the Frost & Sullivan Analysis Worldwide Physical Security Information Management Market Report the worldwide physical security information management (PSIM) market is expected to grow from $80.0 million in 2009 to $544.0 million in 2015, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 37.6%.
There is a mix of companies which are either very strong in “pure” PSIM solutions and others that are adding functionalities to
a basic video management system (VMS)

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.