Pieter Nuyts (writer)
Pieter Nuyts was a Dutch poet and dramatist. The youngest son of the third Governor of Formosa
Governor of Formosa
The Governor of Formosa was the head of government during the Dutch colonial period in Taiwan, which lasted from 1624 to 1662. Appointed by the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies in Batavia , the Governor of Formosa was empowered to legislate, collect taxes, wage war and declare peace on...

 (also called Pieter Nuyts
Pieter Nuyts
Pieter Nuyts or Nuijts was a Dutch explorer, diplomat, and politician.He was part of a landmark expedition of the Dutch East India Company in 1626–27, which mapped the southern coast of Australia. He became the Dutch ambassador to Japan in 1627, and he was appointed Governor of Formosa in the same...

), the younger Pieter was born into a comfortable situation, probably in Middelburg
Middelburg is a municipality and a city in the south-western Netherlands and the capital of the province of Zeeland. It is situated in the Midden-Zeeland region. It has a population of about 48,000.- History of Middelburg :...

, before his family moved to the city of Hulst
Hulst is a municipality and a city in southwestern Netherlands in the east of Zeelandic Flanders.- History :Hulst received city rights in the 12th century....

, where his father became mayor.

He authored several books of poetry and plays, including Admetus en Alcestis, a tragedy and satire of Juvenalis. Other works include De Bredaasche Klio and Beschryving van Etten, Leur en Sprundel, which is still used by historians of the region around Etten
Etten may refer to:* Etten-Leur, the Netherlands* Etten , a village* Nick Etten , an American baseball player...

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