Pink pepper
Pink pepper may refer to:
  • Black pepper
    Black pepper
    Black pepper is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. The fruit, known as a peppercorn when dried, is approximately in diameter, dark red when fully mature, and, like all drupes, contains a single seed...

    , a sprawling shrub
  • Brazilian pepper
    Brazilian pepper
    Schinus terebinthifolius is a species of flowering plant in the cashew family, Anacardiaceae, that is native to subtropical and tropical South America...

    , a flowering vine
  • Peruvian pepper, a plant similar to Brazilian pepper
    Brazilian pepper
    Schinus terebinthifolius is a species of flowering plant in the cashew family, Anacardiaceae, that is native to subtropical and tropical South America...

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