Platysteira is a genus of bird
Birds are feathered, winged, bipedal, endothermic , egg-laying, vertebrate animals. Around 10,000 living species and 188 families makes them the most speciose class of tetrapod vertebrates. They inhabit ecosystems across the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Extant birds range in size from...

 in the Platysteiridae family.
It contains the following species:
    • Black-throated Wattle-eye
      Black-throated Wattle-eye
      The Black-throated Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family.It is found in Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.-References:* BirdLife International 2004. . ...

      , Platysteira peltata
    • Black-necked Wattle-eye
      Black-necked Wattle-eye
      The Black-necked Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family. It is found in Angola, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical swamps, and subtropical or tropical moist montane...

      , Platysteira chalybea
    • Banded Wattle-eye
      Banded Wattle-eye
      The Banded Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family. It is endemic to the Bamenda Highlands in western Cameroon. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:* BirdLife International 2006. . Downloaded...

      , Platysteira laticincta
    • Chestnut Wattle-eye
      Chestnut Wattle-eye
      The Chestnut Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family.It is found in Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan,...

      , Platysteira castanea
    • Common Wattle-eye
      Common Wattle-eye
      The Brown-throated Wattle-eye , also known as the Common Wattle-eye or Scarlet-spectacled Wattle-eye, is a small, insectivorous passerine bird...

      , Platysteira cyanea
    • Jameson's Wattle-eye
      Jameson's Wattle-eye
      The Jameson's Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family.It is found in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda....

      , Platysteira jamesoni
    • Red-cheeked Wattle-eye
      Red-cheeked Wattle-eye
      The Red-cheeked Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family.It is found in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Togo....

      , Platysteira blissetti
    • White-fronted Wattle-eye
      White-fronted Wattle-eye
      The White-fronted Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family.It is endemic to Angola.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical mangrove forests, and subtropical or tropical dry shrubland.It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:*...

      , Platysteira albifrons
    • White-spotted Wattle-eye
      White-spotted Wattle-eye
      The White-spotted Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family. It is found in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria...

      , Platysteira tonsa
    • Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye
      Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye
      The Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye is a species of bird in the Platysteiridae family.It is found in Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra...

      , Platysteira concreta
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