Polyhexanide (PHMB) is a polymer
A polymer is a large molecule composed of repeating structural units. These subunits are typically connected by covalent chemical bonds...

 used as a disinfectant.

Some products containing PHMB are used for inter-operative irrigation, pre- and post-surgery skin and mucous membrane disinfection, post-operative dressings, surgical and non-surgical wound dressings, surgical bath/hydrotherapy, chronic wounds like diabetic foot ulcer and burn wound management, routine antisepsis during minor incisions, catheterization, scopy, first aid, surface disinfection, and linen disinfection.

Branded as Baquacil, it also has an application as a swimming-pool sanitizer in place of chlorine- or bromine-based products.

Polyhexanide is used as an ingredient in some eye drops for use with contact lenses.
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