Pool Registrar
A Pool Registrar is a component of the reliable server pooling
Reliable server pooling
Reliable server pooling is a computer protocol framework for management of and access to multiple, coordinated servers...

 (RSerPool) framework which manages a handlespace. PRs are also denoted as ENRP server or Name Server (NS).

The responsibilities of a PR are the following:
  • Register Pool Element
    Pool Element
    A Pool Element is a server in the Reliable server pooling framework.The responsibilities for a PE are the following:* Register into a handlespace at a Pool Registrar,* Answer keep-alive messages from its Pool Registrar,...

    s into a handlespace,
  • Deregister Pool Element
    Pool Element
    A Pool Element is a server in the Reliable server pooling framework.The responsibilities for a PE are the following:* Register into a handlespace at a Pool Registrar,* Answer keep-alive messages from its Pool Registrar,...

    s from a handlespace,
  • Monitor Pool Element
    Pool Element
    A Pool Element is a server in the Reliable server pooling framework.The responsibilities for a PE are the following:* Register into a handlespace at a Pool Registrar,* Answer keep-alive messages from its Pool Registrar,...

    s by keep-alive messages,
  • Provide handle resolution (i.e. server selection) to Pool User
    Pool User
    A Pool User is a client in the Reliable Server Pooling framework.In order to use the service provided by a pool, a PU has to proceed the following steps:...

  • Audit the consistency of a handlespace between multiple PRs,
  • Synchronize a handlespace with another PR.

Standards Documents

External links

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