Popeye protein conserved region
Popeye protein conserved region is a family of evolutionarily related proteins
Protein family
A protein family is a group of evolutionarily-related proteins, and is often nearly synonymous with gene family. The term protein family should not be confused with family as it is used in taxonomy....


The Popeye (POP) family of proteins, is restricted to vertebrates and is preferentially expressed in developing and adult striated muscle. It is represented by a conserved region which includes three potential transmembrane domains. The strong conservation of POP genes during evolution and their preferential expression in heart and skeletal muscle suggest that these novel proteins may have an important function in these tissues in vertebrates.


Human genes encoding proteins containing this domain include:
  • BVES
    Blood vessel epicardial substance
    Blood vessel epicardial substance also known as popeye domain-containing protein 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the BVES gene....

  • POPDC2
    Popeye domain-containing protein 2 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the POPDC2 gene.- Function :This gene encodes a member of the POP family of proteins which contain three putative transmembrane domains. This membrane associated protein is predominantly expressed in skeletal and cardiac...

    , POPDC3
    Popeye domain-containing protein 3 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the POPDC2 gene.- Function :This gene encodes a member of the POP family of proteins which contain three putative transmembrane domains. This membrane associated protein is predominantly expressed in skeletal and cardiac...

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