Popular Front (Burkina Faso)
The Popular Front was a political alliance in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso – also known by its short-form name Burkina – is a landlocked country in west Africa. It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north, Niger to the east, Benin to the southeast, Togo and Ghana to the south, and Côte d'Ivoire to the southwest.Its size is with an estimated...

The FP was founded in October 1987 by that country's current President, Blaise Compaoré
Blaise Compaoré
Blaise Compaoré has been the President of Burkina Faso since 1987 following a coup d'état that ousted then-President Thomas Sankara. In 2011, a mutiny by soldiers over unpaid housing allowances forced him to flee the capital for his hometown...

, immediately after he came to power in a military coup d'état
Coup d'état
A coup d'état state, literally: strike/blow of state)—also known as a coup, putsch, and overthrow—is the sudden, extrajudicial deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to replace the deposed government with another body; either...

. The first member parties of the FP were the
  • Union of Burkinabè Communists
    Union of Burkinabè Communists
    Union of Burkinabè Communists was a communist party in Burkina Faso. UCB was founded in August 1984 by the Group for the Unity of Marxists-Leninists , the Marxist-Leninist Group and one other group.In...

  • Burkinabè Communist Group
    Burkinabè Communist Group
    Burkinabè Communist Group was a communist party in Burkina Faso. GCB surged as a split from the Voltaic Revolutionary Communist Party in 1983, following the refusal of PCRV to support the revolutionary government of Thomas Sankara.In 1986 GCB signed a declaration, together with the Reconstructed...

  • Communist Struggle Union - The Flame (ULC-La Flamme).

In early 1991 the member parties were the
  • Organization for Popular Democracy - Labour Movement
    Organization for Popular Democracy - Labour Movement
    Organization for Popular Democracy - Labour Movement was the ruling political party in Burkina Faso. It was founded in April 1989 by the Union of Burkinabè Communists, the Revolutionary Military Organization and factions from Communist Struggle Union - The Flame and Burkinabè Communist Group as a...

  • Rally of Independent Social Democrats (RSDI)
  • National Convention of Progressive Patriots (CNPP/PSD)
  • Union of Democrats and Patriots of Burkina (UDPB)
  • Burkinabè Communist Group
    Burkinabè Communist Group
    Burkinabè Communist Group was a communist party in Burkina Faso. GCB surged as a split from the Voltaic Revolutionary Communist Party in 1983, following the refusal of PCRV to support the revolutionary government of Thomas Sankara.In 1986 GCB signed a declaration, together with the Reconstructed...

  • Group of Patriotic Democrats
    Group of Patriotic Democrats
    The Group of Patriotic Democrats is a registered political party in Burkina Faso .The GDP is a leftist party founded in 1989.Its secretary general is Issa Tiendrebéogo....

  • Movement of Progressive Democrats (MDP)
  • Group of Revolutionary Democrats (GDR)
  • Union of Social Democrats
    Union of Social Democrats
    Union of Social Democrats is an all-Russian non-governmental organization founded on October 20, 2007 by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev....


In 1995 member parties were the
  • Organization for Popular Democracy - Labour Movement
    Organization for Popular Democracy - Labour Movement
    Organization for Popular Democracy - Labour Movement was the ruling political party in Burkina Faso. It was founded in April 1989 by the Union of Burkinabè Communists, the Revolutionary Military Organization and factions from Communist Struggle Union - The Flame and Burkinabè Communist Group as a...

  • Movement of Progressive Democrats (MDP)
  • Union of Democrats and Patriots of Burkina (UDPB)
  • Rally of Independent Social Democrats (RSDI)

The leader of the FP was Arsène Bongnessan Yé
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