Pramati Technologies
Pramati Technologies is an privately held company
Privately held company
A privately held company or close corporation is a business company owned either by non-governmental organizations or by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members which does not offer or trade its company stock to the general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the...

 software services company based in Hyderabad, India. The company was founded in 1998 by Jay Raghavendra Pullur and released Pramati Server, its initial product, the following year.


  • Pramati Server 3.0, was the industry's first independently developed application server to achieve J2EEv 1.3 compatibility. Achieving this industry first involved passing over 15,000 tests in the Sun Microsystems J2EE Compatibility Test Suite.
  • This achievement of Pramati, where it beat the reigning champions, was recognized by The ServerSide in a cartoon 'The Great ECperf Race' that was posted on Sept. 16, 2002
  • Pramati's SocialTwist, is the creator of the social media sharing widget Tell-a-Friend. This widget service for word-of-mouth campaigns has currently served 2.09 billion impressions world-wide, and is still counting....


Pramati owns and operates the following brands of products and services:
  • Imaginea - Product design and engineering services.
  • Pramati Server - Flagship J2EE middleware server platform.
  • Dekoh Desktop
    Dekoh Desktop
    Dekoh Desktop is a cross-platform development framework for deploying Java, Flash, and Ajax applications. It allows RIA applications to be used when the user is on-line or off-line, trying to integrate the best of both worlds.-History:...

    - Web 2.0 platform for sharing media and files from the desktop.
  • SocialTwist - Widget service for word of mouth campaigns.
  • Qontext
    Qontext is a venture of Pramati Technologies, and operates out of its offices in Mountain View, California and Hyderabad, India. The company is a global provider of on-demand social networking software for small to large multi-national companies and for ISVs seeking to add social features to their...

    - SaaS-based collaboration widgets for enterprises.
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