Princess Khentkaus
See also "Khentkaus I
Khentkaus I
Khentkaus I was a Queen of Ancient Egypt during the 4th dynasty. She may have been a daughter of Pharaoh Menkaure, wife of Shepseskaf and mother of Userkaf, but this is by no means certain. Her Mastaba at Giza - tomb LG100 - is located very close to Menkaure's pyramid complex...


Princess Khentkaus was an Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh...

ian lady. She lived during the 4th dynasty of Egypt
Fourth dynasty of Egypt
The fourth dynasty of ancient Egypt is characterized as a "golden age" of the Old Kingdom. Dynasty IV lasted from ca. 2613 to 2494 BC...



It is unknown who were her parents. She had a title "king's daughter of his body" which means she was a daughter of one king. It is unknown who was her father, but this is maybe pharaoh
Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods. The title originates in the term "pr-aa" which means "great house" and describes the royal palace...

Khafra — also Khafre — was an Egyptian pharaoh of the Fourth dynasty, who had his capital at Memphis. According to some authors he was the son and successor of Khufu, but it is more commonly accepted that Djedefre was Khufu's successor and Khafra was Djedefre's...

. His son Menkaura
Menkaure was a pharaoh of the Fourth dynasty of Egypt who ordered the construction of the third and smallest of the Pyramids of Giza. His name means "Eternal like the Souls of Re"...

 had a daughter, Khentkaus I
Khentkaus I
Khentkaus I was a Queen of Ancient Egypt during the 4th dynasty. She may have been a daughter of Pharaoh Menkaure, wife of Shepseskaf and mother of Userkaf, but this is by no means certain. Her Mastaba at Giza - tomb LG100 - is located very close to Menkaure's pyramid complex...

. Thus Princess Khentkaus was possibly a daughter of Khafra and aunt of Khentkaus I.


Khentkaus married Prince Khufukhaf II
Khufukhaf II
Khufukhaf II was a Prince of Egypt. He was born in the 4th dynasty, but he died in the 5th dynasty. He is also called Khufukhaf B or Khufukhaf the Younger.- Family :...

. She had two sons with him - Khaf-Khufu
Khaf-Khufu was an Ancient Egyptian Prince, son of Prince Khufukhaf II and Princess Khentkaus. He was a descendant of King Khufu. Khaf-Khufu's younger brother was Prince Sety-Ptah....

 and Sety-Ptah
Sety-Ptah was an Ancient Egyptian Prince, son of Prince Khufukhaf II and Princess Khentkaus. He was a descendant of King Khufu. Sety-Ptah's elder brother was Prince Khaf-Khufu....



Khentkaus was buried with her husband in the tomb G 7150 at Giza. She is depicted in the tomb.
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