Private Party
"Private Party" is the title of a song by Klymaxx
Klymaxx is a female Pop/R&B band from Los Angeles, California.-Biography:Klymaxx was conceived and formed by Bernadette Cooper, who also chose the name. The dream of an all girl band became a quest she pursued after leaving college...

 for the MCA
In modern astronomy, a constellation is an internationally defined area of the celestial sphere. These areas are grouped around asterisms, patterns formed by prominent stars within apparent proximity to one another on Earth's night sky....

 label. The song was released as the second and final single from the group's sixth album, The Maxx Is Back
The Maxx Is Back
The Maxx Is Back is the sixth studio album by Klymaxx, released in 1990 . By this time, the group only consisted of three members....

. This song reached number 62 on the Billboard R&B Singles chart. At this time, the group only consisted of only 3 members.
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