Professor of Zoology, Cambridge University
The Professorship of Zoology is a professorship at the University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge is a public research university located in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is the second-oldest university in both the United Kingdom and the English-speaking world , and the seventh-oldest globally...

. Founded in 1866 it was originally the 'Professorship of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy', but was renamed in 1934.

Professors of Zoology

  • Alfred Newton
    Alfred Newton
    Alfred Newton FRS was an English zoologist and ornithologist.Newton was Professor of Comparative Anatomy at Cambridge University from 1866 to 1907...

  • Adam Sedgwick (1907)
  • John Stanley Gardiner
    John Stanley Gardiner
    John Stanley Gardiner FRS was a British zoologist and oceanographer.He was born in Belfast in 1872. His research career began in 1896 when he took part in the Royal Society's expedition to Funafuti atoll in the South Pacific ; from then onwards he was recognized as an authority on the distribution...

  • James Gray
    James Gray (zoologist)
    - External links :*...

  • Carl Frederick Abel Pantin (1959)
  • Torkel Weis-Fogh
    Torkel Weis-Fogh
    Torkel Weis-Fogh was a Danish zoologist.He was born in Aarhus and educated at Copenhagen University. He was research assistant to the Danish Nobel Prize winning physiologist August Krogh, where he began his study of the desert locust. After Krogh's death in 1949 Weis-Fogh worked in the laboratory...

  • Gabriel Horn
    Gabriel Horn
    Sir Gabriel Horn, FRS is a British biologist. His research is into the neural mechanisms of learning and memory.He was Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomy, University of Bristol, 1974–77, then Professor of Zoology, University of Cambridge, 1978–95 . He was Master of Sidney Sussex...

  • Malcolm Burrows
    Malcolm Burrows
    Malcolm Burrows FRS is a British zoologist, and emeritus professor of zoology at University of Cambridge.He studied at Jesus College, Cambridge.He studied with Adrian Horridge at the Gatty Marine Laboratory....

  • Paul Brakefield (2011)
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