Prospectus News
Prospectus News is Parkland College
Parkland College
Parkland College is a is a two-year community college in Champaign, Illinois, a member of the Illinois Community College System serving Community College District 505. District 505 includes all of Ford County, and parts of Coles, Champaign, DeWitt, Douglas, Edgar, Iroquois, Livingston, Moultrie,...

's independent student newspaper
Student newspaper
A student newspaper is a newspaper run by students of a university, high school, middle school, or other school. These papers traditionally cover local and, primarily, school or university news....

. Prospectus News provides up to date information regarding the latest happenings at Parkland as well as things happening in the community involving Parkland, Parkland students, and alumni. Issues are published every Wednesday during the school year and once a month throughout the summer.

Originally created as the Parkland College Prospectus in 1969 in Champaign, Illinois
Champaign, Illinois
Champaign is a city in Champaign County, Illinois, in the United States. The city is located south of Chicago, west of Indianapolis, Indiana, and 178 miles northeast of St. Louis, Missouri. Though surrounded by farm communities, Champaign is notable for sharing the campus of the University of...

, Prospectus News is a collegiate news source in print, Web, and design media formats. Prospectus is published weekly during the semester and tri-weekly during the summer.

External links

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