Protoboarmia porcelaria
The Porcelain gray also known as the Dash-lined looper, is a Geometrid found throughout North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...

, except in the far north.


Adults have a wingspan of 27-30mm. The wings are brown-gray and have crossed brown/gray curved lines. At least one of these lines has a small tooth-like dentation along the length. There is a blotch of black at the postmedian start and a discal spot where the antemedian line crosses the costa. The hindwing discal mark is usually in the center.


Mature caterpillars are 25mm in length and have a distinct Y-pattern on segments one through six. There is only one generation a year in the northern range while there are two in its southern range. The head is gray with a cream colored herringbone pattern on the lobes. The body is slim and is mottled gray and white with a white dorsum.


The female lays around 150 eggs on the foliage of host plants in July. Adults are seen from May to September.


The larvae overwinter in their penultimate instar stage. The larvae awaken and begin feeding in early spring and pupate in June. Immature larvae are phyllophagous and mainly feed upon Balsam fir
Balsam Fir
The balsam fir is a North American fir, native to most of eastern and central Canada and the northeastern United States .-Growth:It is a small to medium-size evergreen tree typically tall, rarely to tall, with a narrow conic crown...

, Red spruce
Red Spruce
Picea rubens is a species of spruce native to eastern North America, ranging from eastern Quebec to Nova Scotia, and from New England south in the Adirondack Mountains and Appalachians to western North Carolina.-Physical description:...

, Tamarack, White spruce
White Spruce
Picea glauca is a species of spruce native to boreal forests in the north of North America, from central Alaska east to Newfoundland, and south to northern Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, upstate New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine; there is also an isolated population in the...

 but are also seen on the following.

  • Eastern red-cedar, Juniperus virginiana
    Juniperus virginiana
    Juniperus virginiana is a species of juniper native to eastern North America, from southeastern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, east of the Great Plains...

  • Eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis
  • Eastern white pine, Pinus strobus
  • Eastern white-cedar, Thuja occidentalis
    Thuja occidentalis
    Thuja occidentalis is an evergreen coniferous tree, in the cypress family Cupressaceae, which is widely cultivated for use as an ornamental plant known as American Arbor Vitae. The endemic occurrence of this species is a northeastern distribution in North America...

  • Ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa
  • Colorado blue spruce, Picea pungens
  • Subalpine fir, Abies lasiocarpa
  • Western hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla
  • Engelmann spruce, Picea engelmannii
  • Pacific silver fir, Abies amabilis

  • Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga sp.
  • Black spruce, Picea mariana
  • Jack pine, Pinus banksiana
  • Lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta
  • Red pine, Pinus resinosa
  • Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris
  • Sugar maple, Acer saccharum
  • Western red-cedar, Thuja plicata
    Thuja plicata
    Thuja plicata, commonly called Western or pacific red cedar, giant or western arborvitae, giant cedar, or shinglewood, is a species of Thuja, an evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family Cupressaceae native to western North America...

  • Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis

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