Psednos rossi
Psednos rossi is a species of snailfish
Snailfish are scorpaeniform marine fish of the family Liparidae. Widely distributed from the Arctic to Antarctic Oceans including the northern Pacific, the snailfish family contains 30 genera and 361 species. They are closely related to the sculpins of the family Cottidae and the lumpfish of the...

 only known from the mesopelagic zone in the North Atlantic off Cape Hatteras
Cape Hatteras
Cape Hatteras is a cape on the coast of North Carolina. It is the point that protrudes the farthest to the southeast along the northeast-to-southwest line of the Atlantic coast of North America...

, North Carolina
North Carolina
North Carolina is a state located in the southeastern United States. The state borders South Carolina and Georgia to the south, Tennessee to the west and Virginia to the north. North Carolina contains 100 counties. Its capital is Raleigh, and its largest city is Charlotte...


Although various morphological characters place this fish in the genus Psednos
Psednos is a genus of snailfishes. There are currently 26 described species, with examples found in all the world's oceans.Fish of this genus are similar to those of Paraliparis but Psednos species have a distinctively curved spine, giving them a "humpbacked" appearance.-Species:Species...

, it is dramatically different in appearance from all its congener
Congener has several different meanings depending on the field in which it is used. Colloquially, it is used to mean a person or thing like another, in character or action.-Biology:In biology, congeners are organisms within the same genus...

s. It is an orange-pink fish around 50 mm standard length with a very large mouth with a vertical opening. It has a straight spine
Vertebral column
In human anatomy, the vertebral column is a column usually consisting of 24 articulating vertebrae, and 9 fused vertebrae in the sacrum and the coccyx. It is situated in the dorsal aspect of the torso, separated by intervertebral discs...

(unlike all other Psednos species which have strongly curved spines giving a "humpbacked" appearance).
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