Pterocalla is a genus of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the family Ulidiidae.
- Pterocalla amazonicaPterocalla amazonicaPterocalla amazonica is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Ulidiidae....
- Pterocalla angustipennisPterocalla angustipennisPterocalla angustipennis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla bellaPterocalla bellaPterocalla bella is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Ulidiidae....
- Pterocalla costalisPterocalla costalisPterocalla costalis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Ulidiidae....
- Pterocalla guttulataPterocalla guttulataPterocalla guttulata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Ulidiidae....
- Pterocalla maculataPterocalla maculataPterocalla maculata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla nitidiventrisPterocalla nitidiventrisPterocalla nitidiventris is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Ulidiidae....
- Pterocalla oculataPterocalla oculataPterocalla oculata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla ophthalmopteraPterocalla ophthalmopteraPterocalla ophthalmoptera is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla pennataPterocalla pennataPterocalla pennata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla pentophthalmaPterocalla pentophthalmaPterocalla pentophthalma is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla plumitarsisPterocalla plumitarsisPterocalla plumitarsis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla proximaPterocalla proximaPterocalla proxima is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla punctataPterocalla punctataPterocalla punctata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla quadrataPterocalla quadrataPterocalla quadrata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla radiataPterocalla radiataPterocalla radiata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla reticulataPterocalla reticulataPterocalla reticulata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla scutellataPterocalla scutellataPterocalla scutellata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla striataPterocalla striataPterocalla striata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla strigulaPterocalla strigulaPterocalla strigula is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....
- Pterocalla undulataPterocalla undulataPterocalla undulata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Pterocalla of the family Tephritidae....