Pulse Ultra


Pulse Ultra was initially formed as Head Space in 1997 by guitarist Dominic Cifarelli
Dominic Cifarelli
Dominic Cifarelli was a founding member and guitarist for the Montreal-based band Pulse Ultra and is the bassist for Scars on Broadway.- References :...

 and bassist Jeff Feldman. Drummer Maxx Zinno was added that same year, followed by vocalist Zo Vizza two years later.

Pulse Ultra's break came in 2000 when the band met Taproot
Taproot (band)
Taproot is a four-piece rock group from Ann Arbor, Michigan. They are most known for their hit single "Poem" , as well as a number of other singles from 2000 to the present.-Pre-formation:...

, with Cifarelli later passing on one of their demos to the band. Taproot guitarist Mike DeWolf, through their management team Velvet Hammer, later got the band signed with Atlantic Records
Atlantic Records
Atlantic Records is an American record label best known for its many recordings of rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and jazz...


After a year of songwriting, the band issued their debut album Headspace on July 16, 2002. The band would appear on the Ozzfest
Ozzfest is an annual festival tour of the United States featuring performances by many heavy metal and hard rock musical groups. It was founded by Ozzy Osbourne and his wife Sharon Osbourne, both of whom also organize each yearly tour with their son Jack Osbourne...

 tour that year in support of the album's release. Subsequently, the album failed to push the band into the mainstream. In early 2004 the band went back to L.A. to work on the follow-up to "Headspace". A few months into pre-production, Atlantic Records merged with AOL/TIME/WARNER. This resulted in Pulse Ultra being dropped due to minimal record sales.

At some point during mid-2004, tensions grew between the band and Zo. Which soon after would lead Pulse Ultra to look for a new vocalist. In a post on the band's official forum, Zo stated that the split was amicable and they were all on good terms. Despite auditioning Lukas Rossi
Lukas Rossi
Lukas Rossi is a Canadian rock musician and was the winner of the CBS Television reality series Rock Star: Supernova - a televised audition contest to become lead singer of the Hard Rock Supergroup Rock Star Supernova.-Biography:Rossi was born a women and served time in jail...

, the band would disband shortly after. They are now all involved in other projects. Dominic Cifarelli (guitarist) released his debut solo project The Chronicles of Israfel
The Chronicles of Israfel
The Chronicles of Israfel is a progressive, experimental metal band from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and the title of the debut solo album of Dominic Cifarelli, the former guitar player for Pulse Ultra....

 in 2007 and this project is on hiatus as he now plays bass in Scars on Broadway
Scars on Broadway
Scars on Broadway is an American-Armenian rock band, founded by System of a Down members Daron Malakian and John Dolmayan. The band's eponymous debut album was released on July 29, 2008....

. Jeff Feldman is now playing bass in electronic/avant-garde band Elsiane
Elsiane is the name of the musical duo that is composed of singer/songwriter Elsieanne Caplette and Stephane Sotto. Elsiane is a combination of both musicians' names and reflects the pair's collaborative approach to their artistic process. Their music is influenced by a wide range of styles that...

 and is working on other numerous endeavours which include soundtrack music and a project titled Hallway Memoirs. Maxx Zinno later played drums for the Los Angeles based indie rock trio Run. Maxx is currently back in Montreal and is drumming for The Falling.

Their single "Build Your Cages" was featured on the soundtrack for Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
-Development:Different versions of the game were produced for each game platform; the Xbox, GameCube and PC versions were developed in EA Seattle, a subsidiary of EA Canada, while the PS2 version was developed by EA Black Box in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. Also, it did not feature a career mode...

, released by EA in 2002.


  • Zo Vizza – vocals
  • Dominic Cifarelli
    Dominic Cifarelli
    Dominic Cifarelli was a founding member and guitarist for the Montreal-based band Pulse Ultra and is the bassist for Scars on Broadway.- References :...

     – guitar
  • Jeff Feldman – bass
  • Maxx Zinno – drums


Album information
  • Released: July 16, 2002 (U.S.
    United States
    The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

  • Label: Atlantic Records
    Atlantic Records
    Atlantic Records is an American record label best known for its many recordings of rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and jazz...

  • Singles: Build Your Cages
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