QI News
QI News is an internet television
Internet television
Internet television is the digital distribution of television content via the Internet...

 show produced by Quite Interesting Limited, the company which produces the British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 panel game
Panel game
A panel game or panel show is a radio or television game show in which a panel of celebrities participates. Panelists may compete with each other, such as on The News Quiz; facilitate play by guest contestants, such as on Match Game/Blankety Blank; or do both, such as on Wait Wait.....

QI is a British comedy panel game television quiz show created and co-produced by John Lloyd, hosted by Stephen Fry, and featuring permanent panellist Alan Davies. Most of the questions are extremely obscure, making it unlikely that the correct answer will be given...

. It is broadcast on ComedyBox.tv. It is a mock news programme, which instead of broadcasting news stories, broadcasts "quite interesting" stories. Other than the stories, the show also plays on the characters in it, mainly the two news readers.


QI News is a five-minute long show which reports "quite interesting" things from around the world. It is presented by two newsreaders, brash American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 Bob Squire (Glenn Wrage) and female Cambridge British co-anchor Sophie Langton (Katherine Jakeways
Katherine Jakeways
Katherine Jakeways is a British comedian, actor and writer. Her television appearances include Extras, all 3 series of BBC1's The Armstrong and Miller Show and Miranda. She is also notable as one of the regular cast in the radio series Deep Trouble and Look Away Now and plays Mrs Pepys in Radio...

). Other contributions are sometimes provided by correspondent Graham Prince (Robert Meakin). Off-screen, the Producer (Voice of Alexander McConnell) tries to keep Squire and Langton in order.

Each programme ends with one of the characters mentioning a final fact. The other will say, "Is that news?" to which the first responds, "It's news to me". As the credits roll, a disclaimer appears which reads, "All the information in this programme is believed to be true", followed by humorous comments swearing that it is true.


The script for QI News is written by Meakin and Justin Gayner
Justin Gayner
Justin Gayner is a British writer, broadcaster and producer. He is co-founder of British based Internet entertainment website ChannelFlip. In November 2008, Gayner was voted one of the top 500 entrepreneurs in the UK by The Observer newspaper...

. The research for the show is carried out by QI's "Question Wranglers", John Mitchinson
John Mitchinson
For the English tenor, see John Mitchinson .For the Bishop, see John Mitchinson .John Mitchinson is the head of research for the British television panel game QI, and is also the managing director of Quite Interesting Limited. He is co-writer of the QI series of books with the show's creator John...

 and Piers Fletcher
Piers Fletcher
Piers Fletcher is a television producer and researcher, mainly working for the British panel game QI, broadcast on the BBC.Before working in television, Fletcher served in the British Army, where he was in charge of the northernmost Observation Post in Hong Kong, meaning that if China invaded, he...

, amongst others. QI's creator John Lloyd
John Lloyd (writer)
John Hardress Wilfred Lloyd CBE is a British comedy writer and television producer. He is the great nephew of John Hardress Lloyd.-Early life and career:...

 is the executive producer
Executive producer
An executive producer is a producer who is not involved in any technical aspects of the film making or music process, but who is still responsible for the overall production...

 and it is directed by Geoff Posner
Geoff Posner
Geoffrey Posner is a British television producer and director. Posner has directed and produced some of Britain's most successful comedy shows since the early 1980s....



The first two episodes of QI News are currently live on Comedybox. A third episode was released on 9 October.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.