Qalat Sikar Air Base
Qalat Sikar Air Base is a former Iraqi Air Force
Iraqi Air Force
The Iraqi Air Force or IQAF is the military branch in Iraq responsible for the policing of international borders, surveillance of national assets and aerial operations...

 base in the Maysan Governorate of Iraq
Iraq ; officially the Republic of Iraq is a country in Western Asia spanning most of the northwestern end of the Zagros mountain range, the eastern part of the Syrian Desert and the northern part of the Arabian Desert....

. It was captured by Coalition forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.


Qalat Sikar Air Base was one of several Iraqi Air Force airfields in the mid-1970s which were re-built under project "Super-Base" in response to the experiences from Arab-Israeli wars in 1967 and 1973.

Originally, 13 airfields were re-built by British contractors, and on all of them also a number of hardened aircraft shelters was built. Subsequently companies from Yugoslavia - previously engaged in building bridges in Iraq - became involved. Due to their specific construction of these airfields - which included taxi-ways leading right out of Hardened Aircraft Shelters (HAS) and laid diagonally to the runways - they became known as "Trapezoids" or "Yugos".

The facilities were divided into two categories: "surface" and "underground". The "surface" facilities were actually the "softest", and included maintenance hangars of metal construction, and HAS of concrete construction. In total, the Yugoslavs have built no less but 200 HAS on different airfields in Iraq during the 1980s.

The protection of each HAS consisted of one meter thick concrete shells, reinforced by 30 cm thick steel plates. There was only one entrance and this was covered by sliding doors, made of 50 cm thick steel armoured plate and concrete. The HAS' were usually built in small groups - seldom more than five, with each group sharing the same water and power supply, besides having own backup gasoline-powered electrical generator, and each HAS being equipped with a semi-automatic aircraft-refuelling system.

In addition, underground facilities that could shelter between four and ten aircraft on average were constructed. In order to build these the Yugoslavs used equipment and construction techniques identical to that use in underground oil-storage depots, additionally conealing the extension and the true purpose of the whole project. The underground facilities were all hardened to withstand a direct hit by a tactical nuclear bomb, buried up to 50 meters bellow the ground and consisted of the main aircraft "hangar" (consisting of two floors in several cases, connected by 40ts hydraulic lifts), connected with operations, maintenance, and logistical facilities via a net of underground corridors.

During the war with Iran the airfield was a base for a squadron of MiG-23BN fighters, but what was going on subsequently remains undetermined.

United States military use

The base was heavily attacked by Coalition airpower during Operation Desert Storm in January 1991 and Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003. It was seized by the United States Marine Corps in late March 2003.

The Marines of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable), while participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom, established their base camp for operations in a patch of dirt at Qalat Sukar [Qalat Sukkar] in Central Iraq. The Qalat Sikar Airbase is nearby, but was not secured by Coalition forces. The area was an unused oilfield which at one time served as farm land. The Marines named their camp after Fenway Park, the major league baseball park in Boston.

In the austere city of Qalat Sukkar the Ba'ath Party once terrified the locals with ruthless violence. The city needs a lot. Striking poverty shows that the locals need food, water, and electricity. Trash and dead animals litter the ground and gray sewage runoff covers the streets indicating a dire need for proper irrigation. Residents of the town of Qalat Sukar, Iraq crowded its streets and sidewalks to cheer on Marines of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) who arrived to destroy symbols of Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party regime.

During Operation Iraqi Freedom, Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 263 split from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) and rejoined their parent command, Marine Air Group 29, to conduct missions in Iraq. Based out of the occupied airfield in Jabala, CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters worked exclusively with Task Force Tarawa - the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade (reinforced).

The Marines of the 24th MEU (SOC) came into Iraq on a float that was extended indefinitely. Due to the nature of their mission the Marines did not know when they would get to leave Iraq to return to the United States.

During the time the MEU was at Fenway, many events converged to create lasting impressions about the base camp and about Iraq in general. The 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) was at Camp Fenway in Southern Iraq on 19 April 2003 during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Camp Fenway was a small base in Central Iraq occupied by Marines of the 24th MEU (SOC) during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Finding a way to connect with family and friends back home, Marines and Sailors from the 24th MEU (SOC) and Marine Wing Support Squadron 371, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Az., made use of the tactical phones provided by the 24th MEU (SOC) Joint Task Force Enabler at Camp Fenway in Central Iraq.

Upon arriving at Camp Fenway, the main body of the Command Element was greeted by the sound of a chemical attack siren. The Marines quickly donned their gas masks. After doing so, some froze while others continued to dig the survivability positions that they had already begun. All was silence in the camp except for the clinking of entrenching tools until the 'all clear' was given.

Some weeks later, Lieutenant General Earl B. Hailston, Commanding General, Marine Forces Central Command, paid a visit to the Marines of the MEU at the camp. During a brief speech he gave to the troops, he called out "OORAH!" His call was answered by enthusiastic Marines, who showed even greater energy and motivation moments later as the General's speech was interrupted by the call of, "White Star Cluster!" by a Marine at an observation post. The Marines quickly grabbed their gear and weapons and ran to their fighting positions where they waited for either combat or the sounding of 'all clear'. The Marines returned to their duties when an "all clear" was given.

After several weeks of operating in Iraq, the MEU received orders to redeploy to Amphibious Ready Group shipping for movement back to the US. At that point, the suspense of not knowing how long they would be in Iraq was lifted. Finally, the Marines began to get some idea of when they would be leaving. They went directly from being at Fenway indefinitely to being told they would be leaving in a couple of days. Shortly thereafter, tents began to come down and Marines began packing up to return to their ships - and to showers and hot chow.

Though the 24th MEU (SOC) was not the first to arrive in Iraq, by the time they had arrived, they had already been away from home longer than any other unit in country. For this they received the distinction of being the first to leave Iraq.

Once the 24th MEU (SOC) finished their participation in OIF and received the word to begin the retrograde back to the ships, HMM-263 was tasked with supporting. They conducted troop lifts for the BLT, shuttling them back to the MEU headquarters at Camp Fenway. Then two days of maintenance was conducted on all of the CH-46 helicopters before they began their own retrograde back to the ship. On the April 24th, HMM-263 was reinstated with the MEU and flew back to the Nassau Amphibious ready group, where they wait to go home.

Current aireal imagery shows that the operational structures around the airfield appear to have been demolished and removed. Today the concrete runway and series of taxiways remain exposed and deteriorating to the elements, being reclaimed by the desert.
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