Quadrics Software is available as RMS (Resource Management System) and Open Source

RMS and Open Source

RMS is a Cluster resource manager software package.
Core components of the QsNet
QsNet is a high speed interconnect designed by Quadrics used in HPC clusters, particularly Linux Beowulf Clusters. Although it can be used with TCP/IP; like SCI, Myrinet and Infiniband it is usually used with a communication API such as MPI or SHMEM called from a parallel program.The interconnect...

 software release for Linux under the GNU General Public License
GNU General Public License
The GNU General Public License is the most widely used free software license, originally written by Richard Stallman for the GNU Project....

 (Quadrics Linux Software)

Quadrics New Software Release

  • includes support for Rocks Cluster Distribution
    Rocks Cluster Distribution
    Rocks Cluster Distribution is a Linux distribution intended for high-performance computing clusters. It was started by National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure and the SDSC in 2000 and was initially funded in part by an NSF grant but is currently funded by the followup NSF...

     v3.3.0 and v4.0.0.
  • new version of RMS, RMS 3.x, the Quadrics cluster management toolkit
  • support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and Fedora Core 3
  • tested on the standard Red Hat(TM) Advanced Server and SUSE(TM)
  • improves the performance of intra-node MPI
    -Science, information technology and engineering:* Magnetic particle imaging, an imaging technique still being developed* Magnetic-particle inspection, a non-destructive method used to detect defects in ferrous materials...

     with single-copy process to process memory copies without the need for shared memory FIFOs.

Quadrics Kernel Patches

Quadrics kernel patches are available when user's production use require added functionalities such as the ability to communicate from pageable virtual memory without locking down memory used in inter-process communication; however the most recent releases of the Quadrics device driver modules provide support for use of the QsNetII (Elan4) hardware with standard, unpatched Linux kernels.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.