Querschnitt is a compilation album
Compilation album
A compilation album is an album featuring tracks from one or more performers, often culled from a variety of sources The tracks are usually collected according to a common characteristic, such as popularity, genre, source or subject matter...

 by the German
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

 industrial metal
Industrial metal
Industrial metal is a musical genre that draws from industrial music and many different types of heavy metal, using repeating metal guitar riffs, sampling, synthesizer or sequencer lines, and distorted vocals. Founding industrial metal acts include Ministry, Godflesh, and KMFDM.Industrial metal's...

 band Megaherz
Megaherz is an industrial metal group formed in Munich, Germany in 1993. One of the band's most famous songs is "Gott sein" on their first full album Wer Bist Du? . Megaherz has gone through many changes in musical style since their founding...

. It was released in 2001.

CD 1

  1. Miststück - 3:29
  2. Gott sein - 4:13
  3. Kopf durch die Wand - 4:29
  4. Wer bist Du? - 3:05
  5. Kopfschuss - 4:19
  6. Herz aus Stein - 4:04
  7. Jordan - 3:38
  8. Burn - 1:37
  9. Rappunzel - 3:57
  10. Himmelfahrt - 6:01
  11. Tanz auf dem Vulkan - 5:41
  12. Das Licht am Ende der Welt - 4:23
  13. Hurra – Wir leben noch - 4:43
  14. Schlag' zurück - 3:59
  15. Teufel - 5:00
  16. Hänschenklein '97 - 2:50

CD 2

  1. Freiflug (Video/Radio Cut) - 3:48
  2. Freiflug (Album Version) - 4.58
  3. Liebestöter (Club Mix) - 4.35
  4. Liebestöter (Atomic Mix) - 5:33
  5. Rock Me, Amadeus (Radio Edit) - 3:26
  6. Rock Me, Amadeus (Fieberwahn Mix) - 6:02
  7. Gott sein (Blemish's Buss & Bet Mix) - 7:39
  8. Gott sein (Kerosin Take Off Mix) - 4:30
  9. Himmelfahrt (Radio Edit) - 4:29
  10. Freiflug (Music Video) - 0:00
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