Quicker Than the Eye
Quicker Than the Eye is a collection of short stories by American writer Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradbury
Ray Douglas Bradbury is an American fantasy, horror, science fiction, and mystery writer. Best known for his dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 and for the science fiction stories gathered together as The Martian Chronicles and The Illustrated Man , Bradbury is one of the most celebrated among 20th...

, published nearly a decade after his last collection.


  • Unterderseaboat Doktor", which features, as a psychiatrist, a former submarine captain in Hitler's undersea fleet, making connections between sub-marine and sub-conscious.
  • "Zaharoff/Richter Mark V", a speculation on why so many major cities are in such dangerous locales.
  • "Remember Sascha?"
  • "Another Fine Mess", an homage to Laurel and Hardy
    Laurel and Hardy
    Laurel and Hardy were one of the most popular and critically acclaimed comedy double acts of the early Classical Hollywood era of American cinema...

    ; a sequel to "The Laurel and Hardy Love Affair".
  • "The Electrocution"
  • "Hopscotch"
  • "The Finnegan", a tall tale in a Victorian
    Victorian literature
    Victorian literature is the literature produced during the reign of Queen Victoria . It forms a link and transition between the writers of the romantic period and the very different literature of the 20th century....

  • "That Woman on the Lawn, a tangential episode in the same "universe" as Something Wicked This Way Comes
    Something Wicked This Way Comes (novel)
    Something Wicked This Way Comes is a 1962 novel by Ray Bradbury. It is about two 13-year-old boys, Jim Nightshade and William Halloway, who have a harrowing experience with a nightmarish traveling carnival that comes to their Midwestern town one October. The carnival's leader is the mysterious "Mr...

  • "The Very Gentle Murders", a fantasy of marital strife
  • "Quicker Than the Eye", which visits another carnival act.
  • "Dorian In Excelsis", which pays homage to Oscar Wilde
    Oscar Wilde
    Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s...

    's The Picture of Dorian Gray
    The Picture of Dorian Gray
    The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only published novel by Oscar Wilde, appearing as the lead story in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine on 20 June 1890, printed as the July 1890 issue of this magazine...

  • "No News, Or What Killed the Dog?"
  • "The Witch Door"
  • "The Ghost in the Machine"
  • "At the End Of the Ninth Year"
  • "Bug"
  • "Once More, Legato"
  • "Exchange"
  • "Free Dirt"
  • "Last Rites"
  • "The Other Highway"
  • "Make Haste To Live: An Afterword", in which the author writes of writing and the back-stories of some of the stories in this collection.
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