rCOS stands for refinement of object
Object (philosophy)
An object in philosophy is a technical term often used in contrast to the term subject. Consciousness is a state of cognition that includes the subject, which can never be doubted as only it can be the one who doubts, and some object or objects that may or may not have real existence without...

 and component systems. It is a method component-based model-driven software
development. It was originally developed by He Jifeng
He Jifeng
He Jifeng is a Chinese computer scientist.He Jifeng was a Senior Research Fellow at the Programming Research Group in the Oxford University Computing Laboratory from 1984 to 1998. He worked extensively on formal aspects of computing science...

, Zhiming Liu and Xiaoshan Li at UNU-IIST
The United Nations University International Institute for Software Technology is a United Nations University Research Training Centre based in Macau.-History:...

, and consists of a relational semantic theory, a refinement calculus and tool support for model construction, model analysis and verification, and model transformations. Model transformations automate refinement rules and design patterns and generate conditions as proof obligations. rCOS support multiple dimensional modeling: models at different levels of abstraction related by refinement relations, hierarchy of compositions of components, and models of different views of the system (interaction protocols of components, reactive behaviors of components, data functionality, and class structures and data types). For details, please visit http://rcos.iist.unu.edu/ for more details.
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