RFA Abadol
RFA Abadol was a tanker in the British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
Royal Fleet Auxiliary
Royal Fleet Auxiliary
The Royal Fleet Auxiliary is a civilian-manned fleet owned by the British Ministry of Defence. The RFA enables ships of the United Kingdom Royal Navy to maintain operations around the world. Its primary role is to supply the Royal Navy with fuel, ammunition and supplies, normally by replenishment...
She was built in Glasgow
Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and third most populous in the United Kingdom. The city is situated on the River Clyde in the country's west central lowlands...
as the Elder Dempster cargo liner
Cargo liner
A Cargo liner is a type of merchant ship which carried general cargo and often passengers. They became common just after the middle of the nineteenth century, and eventually gave way to container ships and other more specialized carriers in the latter half of the twentieth...
Montezuma by Alexander Stephen and Sons
Alexander Stephen and Sons
Alexander Stephen and Sons Limited, often referred to simply as Alex Stephens or just Stephens, was a Scottish shipbuilding company based in Linthouse, Govan in Glasgow, on the River Clyde.-History:...
in 1899. After completing 8 round voyages as a Boer War Transport, she was acquired by Canadian Pacific in 1903 and was converted to carry 1000 x 3rd Class passengers the following year.Requisitioned by the Admiralty in 1914 and was converted to a dummy battleship mimicking .She later became the tanker Abadol in 1915. In February 1917 she was renamed Oakleaf
RFA Oakleaf
Two ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary have borne the name RFA Oakleaf:*RFA Oakleaf was the ocean liner Montezuma, acquired by the RFA in 1915 as a dummy battleship to imitate , and named Abadol. She was renamed Oakleaf in 1917 and was sunk by a U-boat later that year.*RFA Oakleaf is a Leaf-class...
. She was lost five months later when on 25 July 1917 she was torpedoed by the German submarine
A submarine is a watercraft capable of independent operation below the surface of the water. It differs from a submersible, which has more limited underwater capability...
UC-41 64 nautical miles (118.5 km) NW-¼W from the Butt of Lewis
Butt of Lewis
The Butt of Lewis is the most northerly point of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. The headland, which lies in the North Atlantic, is frequently battered by heavy swells and storms.-Lighthouse:...
without any casualties..