RFA Wave Knight
Two ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary
have borne the name RFA Wave Knight:
Royal Fleet Auxiliary
The Royal Fleet Auxiliary is a civilian-manned fleet owned by the British Ministry of Defence. The RFA enables ships of the United Kingdom Royal Navy to maintain operations around the world. Its primary role is to supply the Royal Navy with fuel, ammunition and supplies, normally by replenishment...
have borne the name RFA Wave Knight:
- RFA Wave Knight was a Wave-classWave class oilerThe Wave class was a class of replenishment oilers built for service supporting the Royal Navy during the later years of the Second World War...
oilerReplenishment OilerA replenishment oiler or fleet tanker is a naval auxiliary ship with fuel tanks and dry cargo holds, which can replenish other ships while underway in the high seas. Such ships are used by several countries around the world....
launched in 1945 and scrapped in 1964. - RFA Wave KnightRFA Wave Knight (A389)RFA Wave Knight is a Wave-class fast fleet tanker of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary of the United Kingdom tasked with providing fuel, food, ammunition and other supplies to Royal Navy vessels around the world....
is a Wave Knight-class tankerWave Knight class tankerThe Wave class tankers are Royal Fleet Auxiliary "Fast Fleet Tankers" tasked with providing fuel, food, ammunition and other supplies to Royal Navy vessels around the world. There are two ships in the class, RFA Wave Knight and RFA Wave Ruler. The ships were ordered to replace the ageing Ol-class...
launched in 2000 and in service as of 2009.