Rabbit Films
Rabbit Films is a Finnish production and management company, originally founded by Jarno Laasala in 2000. Rabbit Films is best known as the company behind The Dudesons, but it also handles management and distribution for many other Finland-based TV-productions, such as Madventures
Madventures is a Finnish travel documentary television series that concentrates on backpacking in the most off-the-beaten-path destinations on the planet. It is presented by Riku Rantala and Tuomas "Tunna" Milonoff. As the show's director and cameramen, they travel around the world exploring...

 and Kill Arman
Kill Arman
Kill Arman is a reality/documentary TV-series about martial arts, created by Tuukka Tiensuu and Arman Alizad, and hosted by Arman Alizad. The series was first broadcasted in Finland in the 9th of March, 2008...


Finnish TV-shows

Rabbit Films was founded by Jarno Laasala
Jarno Laasala
Jarno Laasala is a Finnish media personality and creator of The Dudesons stuntgroupand CEO of the Rabbit Films production company.As a child Laasala was a Super Mario Bros champion in Finland....

 in 2000 to produce the TV-series Extreme Duudsonit
Extreme Duudsonit
The Dudesons are a four-man stunt group from Finland. The Dudesons are best known from their TV shows and live performances. Their TV shows are combination of stunts, comedy and reality.-History:...

. Originally Laasala was the sole owner of the company, but Jukka Hilden
Jukka Hilden
Jukka Hildén is a Finnish media personality and member of The Dudesons stuntgroup. On the Music Television USA website Jukka is introduced as "the rockstar, the showman, the never-stopping energizer bunny of the Dudesons crew"....

 and Jarno "Jarppi" Leppälä
Jarno "Jarppi" Leppälä
Jarno "Jarppi" Leppälä is a Finnish media personality and member of The Dudesons stuntgroup. In Finland, he also goes by the nickname "Jarno2", but is mostly known as Jarppi .- Biography:...

 also became owners in 2004. From 2000 to 2004, Rabbit Films produced three seasons of Extreme Duudsonit, and one season of Duudsoni-Elämää.

International TV-shows

In 2006 Rabbit Films launched with an english-language version of Extreme Duudsonit, now titled as The Dudesons. The series quickly became a worldwide hit, and spawned four seasons from 2006 to 2010. In 2010 Dudesons launched The Dudesons in America together with MTV
MTV, formerly an initialism of Music Television, is an American network based in New York City that launched on August 1, 1981. The original purpose of the channel was to play music videos guided by on-air hosts known as VJs....


In 2007 Rabbit Films produced an english-language version of the Finnish hit series Madventures
Madventures is a Finnish travel documentary television series that concentrates on backpacking in the most off-the-beaten-path destinations on the planet. It is presented by Riku Rantala and Tuomas "Tunna" Milonoff. As the show's director and cameramen, they travel around the world exploring...

, together with Gimmeyawallet Productions. Madventures aired on Travel Channel in USA, Fiver in UK, and on National Geographic worldwide.

in 2009 Rabbit Films produced a Kill Arman
Kill Arman
Kill Arman is a reality/documentary TV-series about martial arts, created by Tuukka Tiensuu and Arman Alizad, and hosted by Arman Alizad. The series was first broadcasted in Finland in the 9th of March, 2008...

, an english-language martial arts series, which was subsequently sold to over 100 countries. The 2nd season came out in 2011.

Rabbit Films also does management and distribution for the TV-series Biisonimafia and Siberia Teaches.

External links

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