. Trachtenburg is most notable for her key role as drummer and backup vocalist of the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players
, a family band consisting of herself and her parents, Jason and Tina. She is also lead singer of two bands, Supercute!
and Punch. Trachtenburg is also the star of her own television show, Rachel Trachtenburg’s Homemade World (formerly titled Rachel Trachtenburg’s Morning Show).
Rachel:That's a fruit. I said food.
Kimya:Fruit's food.
Rachel:You don't sit down and eat it. You don't eat it at a restaurant, like, "Oh, I'd like a fruit, please." You say, "I'd like a pizza please, or the pasta." Do you like Indian food? Mexican food? Italian food?
Kimya: Japanese food.
Christy Davis: Who do you look up to?
Rachel: You mean, like a hero?
Christy: Yeah, I guess. Someone you admire a lot.