Rafa Villar
Rafa Villar is a Galician writer noted especially in the field of poetry
Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning...

. He has a degree in Galician-Portuguese Philology from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, and works in the linguistic normalization service of the Confederación Intersindical Galega. He was spokesman for the national operator of the Plataforma Nunca Máis
Plataforma Nunca Máis
Nunca Máis is the name and slogan of a popular movement in Galicia formed in response to the Prestige ship environmental disaster in 2002. The movement's banner is based on the Galician flag, but with a blue diagonal on a black field, rather than a blue diagonal on a white field...

 and part of the directive of the Galician Writers Association
Galician Writers Association
Galician Writers Association is an official entity of the autonomous region of Galicia's Xunta . The organization is formed by writers in galician language. It was founded in by a group of writers: Álvaro Cunqueiro, Rafael Dieste, Ánxel Fole, Ricardo Carballo Calero, Antón Avilés de Taramancos,...

. He is a member of the Batallón Literario da Costa da Morte and was also one of the founders and promoters of the publishing firm Letras de Cal.

He began to become known in the year 1991, when he won the Premio Fermín Bouza Brey for new authors with Liques da Memoria.

He is interested in alternative publishing formats, and was one of the first Galician authors to digitize their works. He has his own personal website, Mares de Simbad, where he offers part of his body of poetry along with articles on the topic of creating and editing literature. He also participated in the creation of the digital publisher Retagarda Edicións, which offers books on disk. He won the Premio Cómaros Verdes, awarded by the city of Vilagarcía de Arousa
Vilagarcía de Arousa
Vilagarcía de Arousa is a port town situated on the firth of Arousa in Galicia, 45km south of Santiago de Compostela. Vilagarcía has a population of almost 37,000 inhabitants, so it is the eighth largest town in Galicia....

, for his book Casa ou sombra. As a narrator, he won the Premio Curuxa do Humor for short stories.
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